New Dressy

Chloe in her new $3.00 dress from Superstore. We were about to go pick Grammie up on Saturday to babysit.


Grampie delivered Chloe’s swing this evening and Chloe even gave Grampie a hug and a kiss..!! now isn’t that something..!! I’m actually very pleased that Chloe did that.. coz’ i know .. my FIL loves chloe plenty.

Anyhow.. once the backyard is done .. we will put it up.

Breaking News/Dai Si Gien

Watched this last nite .. while my puter was being formatted .. and restored. Luckily my spouse so considerate eh.?? and got this for me to watch. Or i’ll be bored to death… hahaha!!
Movie not bad lah.. ! but nothing to shout about to be honest. Alot of shooting.. and just bullshitting.

Computer Bonk

My puter went bonkers.
Reformatting it now .. so gonna rest for a day or two.. before i can post anything.

Medical Update

Last week, i was telling everyone about my swooning spell. And that i had made an appt to see my family doctor.. Dr Mikhail.
Well .. i’ve seen him.. a few days ago… and started on my diabetic medication.. but on only very low dosage. I am also supposed to go for full blood work .. AGAIN..!!! and do a EKG..!!
I donch think i am in bad shape.. just that the food that i’m eating.. is just not helping me any.. with my diabetic condition. Like when i was in Asia.. i can get steam vegies anytime.. or just soup noodles.. by just 2-3 bucks. Over here… just cooking for one person .. is a real drag. So i usually opt for convenience and eat fast food… wherelse before fast food was like once a month. My diet changed, the climate.. and everything else.. like no shopping here.. coz’ there isn’t really much to do.. so no shopping means no exercise right..??
I’m not blaming my condition on the environment here.. just that it isn’t really helping that’s all.
BTW, i am told.. i have to stop drinking juice too. Ok.. !! my life is officially over..!!! hahahhaha!!!

Pens Anyone..???

Chloe playing with pens this morning. I was telling her to give me her pens .. because she threw all of it on the floor.. and she wanted to take off her pants for me.. hahahahah!!! she thought i said pants and not pen.

Cheongsam & Purse

Thank you .. Enna!! for sending such a lovely gift for Chloe.. ! This is very thoughtful of you ..!! i’ve always wanted a cheongsam for Chloe.. and had asked Enna if she could try and get one for me.. 🙂 Thank you again..Enna..!! Chloe is gonna look so cute.. and it’s all thanks to you .. 🙂