Twitching Eyes

My left eye had been twitching for a few days now..! and boy is it irritating.. or what !! you know lah.. we chinese “pan-tang” right..??

But apparently.. i’m not the only one having twitching eyes.. coz’ a few bloggers also having the same symptoms too .. just not too, too long ago. So here i’m wondering .. to be honest.. if it is just superstition on our part and our upbringing.. or is there a scientific reason for the twitching..??

Pray tell.. ???!!!??

Love My Hair too…!

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Inspired by Wokking Mum’s entry – “Love my Hair”, I took a picture of Chloe’s hair too.. kekekkee!! Yalar..! eat full nothing to do..!!

Chloe got curls too…. but not as luscious as 妹妹 hair. She doesn’t like her hair tied up at all.. nor uses hair clips.. or hair band.. she just likes it messy .. and no combing please.

Password Protected

My blog entries are password protected .. because i’ve got MOUNTAIN TURTLES in this little town that i’m living in, who are so “kaypoh” .. and want to know everything i do.. and then misconstrued them, and churned out a totally different story altogether.

My blog entries are password protected .. because I’ve got a CHICKEN SHIT neighbour, who in my humble opinion just wanted to “gadoh” with someone. And they had to pick the “Crazy Chinese Woman”!!

Continue reading “Password Protected”

Waffle & Peanut Butter

Guess what the brat asked PB this morning for breakfast..??

Peanut butter on waffle..!! hhahahha!! and nope.. she still wouldn’t have peanut butter with toast yet..!

Gonna try and see if she would eat some toast with peanut butter tomorrow.. since we ran out of waffle. I ate the last 2 pieces… hahhaha!!