Mushroom Soup

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The gals at Tim Horton’s are just wonderful.. they know i love mushroom soup, so when they did have mushroom soup, they told me a day in advance. And i made sure.. i went to get bowl. Well, actually it was PB who went to Timmy’s for me.

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Ang Moh wear shoes

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Yes.. to answer G’s from G&G Rocks, ang mohs do wear their shoes indoors. I even got proof for you .. kekekke!! can you guess who is wearing what shoes..?? And thanks to G.. the same G.. from Mommibee.. on the HTML tables.. 😉 i am able to test this out. It’s cool..!! go read G’s entry on it.

I’m SuperWoman..??

Sometimes.. i cannot help but think i am a SuperWoman too.. hahhahahaha!! Ok.. ok.. i’m blowing my own trumpet..!

Only had 4hrs of sleep the nite before, came to the store.. for 5.5hrs.. in the meantime.. fed the brat.. gave her snacks in between. Nursed a headache..!! and a bad tummy. Went home .. stopped at Pharmasave to get some stuff. Stopped by the competition to chat. Went home, cleaned up the chicken. . and did marinating work.. afterwhich, put it in the steamer… to steam for 2.5hrs. Washed up the dishes and stuff.. and prepared the brat’s dinner. Dry up the tofu for frying.

After feeding the brat, I quickly fried the tofu with beansprouts.. and then get ready to eat my own dinner at 8.30pm. Checked that chicken is cooked… and quickly eat my dinner. With all the fussing from Chloe.. PB came home and bathed her. PB ate afterwhich… while i cleaned the bath-tub and toilet bowl .. and showered. Then we tried putting the brat to sleep. She didn’t sleep till midnite.
Continue reading “I’m SuperWoman..??”

Freedom of Speech

How many can say.. that they have absolute freedom of speech with you talk with your in-laws…?? i mean .. BOTH..!!!

I’m proud to say.. that i can talk about anything under the sky and moon with my in-laws.. and not be judged about it.

And to that skinny freaking woman (who happened to never worked before in her freaking skinny life) .. who told my FIL that perhaps.. we can’t keep our employees .. because “I TALKED TOO MUCH..!!” .. well.. FUCK YOU ..!!!

Anyhow.. coming back to my freedom of speech with my in-laws, have some laugh on me.. 😉
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New Addition

PB’s cousin from Ontario.. just gave birth to another baby boy.. on 20th May 2007 at 11pm. Baby and mummy are doing great.

MIL said.. if ony baby could wait for another hour.. to come out.. and then his birthday would be the same as her father (MIL’s father).

Welcome to the family, Xavier Thibault ..! I can’t wait to see you ..!! You must be as cute as your brother .. Gabriel..!

How Goodu..??

How goodu can a person be..??

Yesterday .. a fella who owes us money for years.. from renting our games.. and never brought it back.. walked into our store.. with his g/f. Both looked around for abit.. and left.

He then sends his g/f in.. and got her to ask what it would take to set up an account with our store for game/movie rentals. In which i replied .. a credit card.. and a driver’s license. The only reason why we asked for a credit card.. is usually because the person is a “risky customer”.

Now.. the fella prolly thinks we had forgotten who he is..?? since he didn’t come into our store for years..?? Well..!! sorry.. Dude..!! i’ve got a memory of a stubborn elephant..!!