7 Food Woman Must Eat

Yup..! that’s what they say now..! and what do I know.. right..?? since the experts say.. we must eat.. so i’m sharing with all of you. But seriously, i think they are really meant to educate the Western women.. so that they would stop eating french fries and burgers.. and think that they are the only thing they can eat.

1. Berries – more protective plant antioxidants in berries than any other food. And they prevent memory loss.

2. Salmon – We all know why of course.. right..?? Because of the Omega 3 – healthy fats to fend of heart disease… so you don’t die when you are doing naughty stuff in bed.. muahhahaha!!

3. Leafy Greens – We all need the folic acid in dark greens because there is just not enough nutrition in other kinda food.

4. Whole Grain – Give you more fiber. This one i find it really hard to follow.

5. Golden Veggies – sweet potatoes, beta carotene you need daily to lower your cancer risk.

6. Nuts – excellent sources of protein, magnesium, B vitamins and E–trusty fighters in the war against heart disease and cancer. This one is easy peasy to follow.

7. Yogurt – terrific source of B vitamins, protein, calcium and –if it has active cultures–the healthy bacteria known as probiotics, which crowd out disease-causing germs. If you get the kinda yogurt you like.. i’m sure there is no problem eating it.

So tell me.. outta the 7 .. how many do you already eat.. ?? or will make an effort to eat them..?? As for me.. the only thing I find it hard is the whole grain stuff. The rest.. no problem.