Happy Spring Day, EveryOne!


Happy Spring Day .. Everyone..!! it’s unbelieveably hot at 18 degree celcius out here.. in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. If this is any indication of summer.. which i donch think we are so lucky.. we might just have a better summer this year. I can’t wait for Misha’s Cafe to be opened.. !! they are my only hope .. to good food around here.. and at best prices.

Kids Say The Darndest Thing

Yes..! they do say the darnedest thing. A few boys were in the store.. and they went into the adult room. Guess what the brat said.. to one of the friends .. that were in the room..?? She said.. “Yer friend is in the YAKKIE room”!! muahahahhahahaha!!!

Burn Those Fat

I never sweat or never seems to sweat, most likely it is because I don’t do very many strenuous exercises. I was told that some people take eca stack for this purpose alone. And that it not only help one burn fats but keep them away. And if you know me, you know that I’ve lots of store fats, time for some help.

Staying Fit

You know with winter being so long in Canada, it can be really hard to keep fit.. and very easy to keep all the fats. Buying ellipticals may be the best investment for folks like us, who are usually stuck indoors in the store. And if their is a big storm out, and no chance of us getting to the fitness center, this will be a life-saver.

Stars On Ice

The mother-in-law is going to watch Stars-on-Ice live in Halifax this week. I think she is going with her line-dancing friends. I hear there are 6 going. .and they are staying at the Marriott. I wished i could go to.. but work and of course the brat does not permit me to. Well.. at least i know I will be getting some chinese food, she just called from the Asian grocery store this morning and i placed a small order. I have an awesome mother-in-law and a great Aunt.

Vacations and Vacationers

I still cannot believe that people would not or do not buy travel insurance when they go on vacation with the whole family or when they are on working trips. I’m just glad that when i did travel with my previous company, they always buy travel insurance for me and because of that, when in Cambodia one year.. and they had a civil war, i was evacuated by the insurance company faster than I could make a call home. So for those traveling, please buy your travel insurance.

Safe Pills

I’ve never had to take any weight loss pills since young, not that i’m not over-weight though. I love my food alot and you can imagine, i do sometimes over-eat. The reason for not taking the pills is because there were so many controversy about pills like these many years ago, but things are definitely different now, they are safe and affordable. But of course with any pills one takes, you have to do your own little research before taking them.

As A Kid

As a kid, my mother never let us help her to cook or bake.. and in fact she would literally treat us like a pest.. if we even cooked in her kitchen.. because she said.. we would either dirty her stove.. or spoil it.

I used to lament about the lack of fun cooking with my mum. .but when i think back. .i knew she cannot afford to spare the time.. because she was a full time working mum. This is the reason why .. i never refused to let chloe help in washing or cooking if she wanted to.. because.. i donch want her to feel she ain’t useful. Even if she was making a mess more than helping… it’s alright.

Changing Cars

Changing cars every other year is quite the norm in this part of the world. Even my babysitter has her own car.. it was a hands me down.. but it’s great that she is able to drive around on her own.. and used the car to go to school.

Lucky for her .. she doesn’t have to pay for the car.. because it was once upon a time her brother’s but her classmates who wants to drive would have to get their own car loan and insurance. Eyeing on a used car austin, she may trade in hers for a new used car, when she starts going to college next year. And for students like her .. Quality Auto not only take your old car for trade in but also help you get a loan really quick. Awesome for kids like my babysitter .. that’s for sure.


I’m sure by now .. all of you know that the brat is hard to feed. And like any good mummies.. i too worry sick.. because of her no intake of meat. If she can.. she would try all sorts of nonsense just not to eat that meat.. that she had already been chewing in her mouth. Lucky for us, she developed a liking for tofu, yogurt and milk. With these substitutes i think it is ok.. that she doesn’t like meat that much. What do you give your kids.. when they don’t want to eat certain food..??