My Type Of Man


Handsome right..???!!!?? muahahhaha!!! no lah..!! my g/fs asked me.. wah.!!! how come you like hairy man..???!!!?? but i do..!! what can i do right..?? plus i cannot be with someone who is smaller size than I.. else i donch feel protected leh. PB can be very stylo malo if he wants to be… and he is not into fashion at all.. or dressing up well. He just wears whatever.. and not into pleasing the other person. His attitude very “apa tidak” attitude when it comes to looks. Fortunately, for me.. he is like that.. else i gotta dress up every day every minute “mati lah”. So tell me.. what type of man is yours..?? must know how to drive..?? must wear branded stuff..?? must know how to hold a conversation..?? hairy..?? sexy..?? botak..?? come .. share, share.