What A Chinese New Year !

Yes..! what a Chinese New Year..! i thought i was gonna be sick as a dog .. since i didn’t feel so hot just before Chinese New Year.. but instead.. the brat got sicker (if there is such a word) than myself. Poor kid couldn’t eat.. fever .. and hacking away.. and then lost one of her caps (she had caps done last year for some of her teeth) .. and poor chloe said to us last nite .. after whining about her lost caps .. that she wasn’t having a good day yesterday.. in which PB replied.. ” i think it is more like the week .. dear”… muhahahaha!!!

Our babysitter was even sicker before Chloe and I got sick.. so i donch know if we passed it to her.. or the other way around. So no babysitter.. sick kid.. store to run.. and of course obligation to my movie fans.. luckily i donch need any acne treatment yet. My consolation..?? PB did everything right.. from going into the store later.. and closing early .. to help me with Chloe and putting us first. I guess after years of being together..and having a kid together.. he smarten up .. FINALLY..!! MUHAHAHAHAHAH!!! ya.. ya.. I’M EVIL..!! never said i wasn’t eh.. 😉