School Bully

It had been a rather trying week for us last week because Chloe was punched by a classmate in her pre-school on the chest. At first, we didn’t think too much of it.. till in the evening, when we got home.. and got ready to bathe her .. and i saw a slight bruise on her chest. I asked her about it.. and she said.. it was this boy who punched her on her chest.. but she had already told her teacher about it. As parents, we all know that we first have to find out .. whether our own kid had been bad first .. perhaps, Chloe had provoked the boy. But Chloe said “no” .. and i was abit concern because this is not the first time, this kid had done that to Chloe.

Like all parents, we of course want to teach our kid how to protect herself and after much talking about it.. and explaining to Chloe what she had to do in the future should it happen again, my daughter is so kind hearted and refuses to push her bully away .. but insisted that she was gonna run very quickly to her teacher. I know that in every school and in fact in every class in the future,…. my kid may come across a bully or two.. but that does not mean .. that my kid needs to continue to be the victim right..?? And even though her current teacher tried to put it lightly to us.. about the situation .. i am very worried because my daughter is not taught to hurt others.. nor do we condone roughing around. We want to do the right thing.. but as parents we all know the right thing may not be the best thing or the proper thing to help my daughter.. so what would you do.. if you were in my shoes?