Yelling Much Mom?


Shocking..?? Agree with me..?? or you really think you are not yelling much..?? But once in a while we are all guilty of being the yelling mom .. or even dad – and in my case .. it’s the yelling mom .. and the grouchy dad. But having said all that.. donch beat yourself up.. if you feel right now.. that you had been yelling too much – afterall, we are all human. Yelling feels momentarily self relieving until of course the guilt sets in and then what..?? did the house, you or your child and your spouse restore any calm ..?? Not really .. in fact, sometimes the guilt is so bad, moms like me. .we try and make up for the yelling and what does it teach your kid..?? No prizes for guessing like when i do weight loss supplements reviews. Your kid will continue to not listen and your frustration builds… and you yell again.. and you try and make up to your kid and your spouse. Vicious cycle eh..?? VERY..!!

So we all know yelling is not right. nor does it work.. and yes. .i know you can’t help yourself.. but you can and believe me.. when I say you can.. you can. Why..?? because i’m the classic yelling mom example. There are much quieter ways to make ourselves heard and like always, you have to give your kid more credit .. then you think they deserve in the hearing dept. And yes, they have selective hearing.. but they also do hear you – whether they act on it.. or not is entirely what makes them feel good about themselves too.

Honestly, tell me .. would you listen to your yelling mom or dad..?? I come from an era of yelling moms… and i told myself.. i never wanna be this way with my daughter. Why..?? because when i have a problem.. or encounter any unhappiness.. i know i can never go to my mom.. because all she does is yell at me. Do you want your kid to be this way..?? never come to you ..?? To be cont’d…