Princess Needs To Clean Up Too


Yes..! as much as we love our brat, she has to clean up too and we never say no if she wanted to sweep, dust or wash up after she is done messing up. What about you ..?? are you the do it all for them mom..?? or are you the try to cultivate good habits in your child. My mom was the type of mom who does everything for the boys – afterall, they are the ones carrying the family name to their grave right..?? hahahhaha!!! and what did my brothers become..?? well, lets just say .. one had a hard time getting a g/f – he learned it the hard way that his g/f ain’t his mom. So while we are using our own ellipticals, the princess of mind needed to clean after herself .. for drawing on the glass cabinets. Like a wise old woman used to tell me, teach them young and they will grow up right.