Only Auntie Kai Mah Can Buy Dresses Now?


So i saw a dress on sale on Facebook and it was so cheap.. you wouldn’t even believe how cheap it was. So when Chloe came home.. i showed her the dress – she asked why we bought her a dress and PB replied if there must be a reason .. to buy her a dress. And she replied.. “Is this from Auntie Kai Mah..?? ” In which, PB replied.. ” so now only your auntie kai mah can buy dresses for you?” … muahahhahahaa!!! I guess you can’t blame her for thinking such .. afterall, Auntie Kai Mah bought a a full wardrobe of dresses. Even today.. a mother of her classmate commented that Chloe have the nicest dresses and outfit in the entire school. Yes ..! chloe is loved by so many people – not only Auntie Kai Mah.