Teaching Honesty In Kids


A few weeks ago, I read online from another blogging mummy’s blog that her daughter was fibbing about something that happened in school. Of course, in an adult eyes – it was a really small matter and one cannot understand why she wouldn’t tell the truth. That actually set me thinking for a bit – but when i found a play toy in chloe’s water bag on a Saturday afternoon – after she came back from bowling – i too jumped into conclusion that my chloe might have liked the toy so much, she had forgotten to give it back to her friend at the bowling alley.


So she had just gotten back to the store.. and washing her hands to get ready for a snack, when i quickly asked her where she had gotten the mirror an comb from..?? She replied “Macdonalds” .. and I asked “Reallly..?? ” She replied ” Yes, REally..!” .. and then PB turned around and said yes.. it came with her happy meal she had. So anyways.. i said ok.. and thought nothing of it.


But come Sunday… outta the blue and nowhere – Chloe sat on my lap and asked me about the mirror again. She asked me “mummy, did you think i took the mirror and come from someone?” – I stopped for a second .. and carefully answered her – afterall, I didn’t wanna let on that I thought my daughter did something like that right..?? or that I thought badly of her. So i replied that i didn’t think she took it from someone but i didn’t want anyone lil’ girl to be missing them.. and become sad. In which she replied : “mummy, i would NEVER do something like that ! i would NEVER take someone else’s thing.” My head hanging really low .. and my heart went out to my daughter.. and at that moment.. i promised her – that i would never think something of her that way. So parents.. as much as we wanna teach honesty to our kids.. and bring them up well – remember.. be very careful how you bring across your questions. I now know when my mom asked me “ridiculous” and “belittling” questions – she was trying to bring me up proper – but it sure didn’t sit well on me either. Be careful how I bring across my message or questions to my kid.. else she is gonna not wanna tell me anything .. or share anything with me .. when she is older.