Thoughtfulness & Truthfulness


Chloe’s grandparents used to say that the apple donch fall far from the tree and i’m sometimes taken aback when Chloe shows so much understanding and compassion towards certain things. And I take no credit for that.. because I don’t have much compassion nor understanding.. hahhaha!!! Of course, the kid can be really naughty at times.. but when she is with us.. she can be whiny but never evil nor do we encourage that she does stuff like spitting or hitting. We make a big deal outta it .. when she does hit her babysitter.. or pretend to wanna hit her (by not letting the babysitter come).

We also encouraged that she tells the truth.. and no fibbing – my mother used to say, that you have to teach them young.. that way .. they will know from right and wrong. Plus, I’ve always believed that reprimanding is not the way to go.. but listen .. and explaining to them .. the right from wrong is the only way to go. There are also battles that are worth picking and some that, we as parents have to learn to skip. But first, as parents.. we have to learn to be honest and even though you think they won’t understand it – you will be surprised.. what they can actually comprehend.

Take for example, a week ago, someone came into our store.. and asked my Chloe .. how she was feeling..?? she replied.. “what did you say..?” and the customer repeated himself.. and Chloe looked at him strange and replied that … she was fine. And the customer said.. “oh i thought you were sick..? and you got someone sick as well.” In which – my chloe was devastated … and said.. “nooooo..! i was never sick..” and looked very sad after which. So as a helicopter mom.. i quickly tried to protect her.. and said.. ” oh.. he was only joking!” .. in which she replied.. “that wasn’t being very nice, mama! how could i have gotten someone sick when I haven’t been sick at all” *slap forehead*. And then she said.. “is he fibbing me?”

It’s easy for an adult to forget and ignore stuff like that.. but for a kid.. it means a lot to her. If i were to teach my daughter.. thoughtfulness and truthfulness, do i have to address every lie that comes my way?? or when i choose to ignore a lie.. or something bad, am i teaching my daughter.. it is alright.. to move along and it’s just not worth our time..?? Telling a white lie is fine.. but when you use my daughter’s name.. and tell a lie.. that’s not alright. Honesty begins with us as parents – it begins with the people she is around with most times, good habits starts from us – so if your kid is lying to you .. i’m sure you don’t want that right? You also don’t want them to be anywheres near ppl who lies and are evil right..?? so as parents.. i have to make sure.. that I am not lying nor being evil. What about you ..?? what is your thoughts about bringing up your kid to be a thoughtful and useful person..?? I think .. if Chloe starts lying or telling stories to me.. that would be the saddest thing in my life, that would only mean that i haven’t given her enough attention for her to lie and want the attention. What do you think..??