School Update


I’m pleased to let everyone know that Chloe is pretty much settle in her new school. Come Nov 4th – Chloe would have been in school for 2 months now. Besides the fever she had in the beginning of the school term, she is pretty much doing good with regards to her health *touch wood*. But this year .. we were also pretty smart unlike last year, where we hurried her to go back to school. This year, when she got ill, we kept her home longer and made sure she was completely well – for there was no hurry as she is up to expectation in her school work.

This year, we also see a change in her behavior towards going to school, she is a lot more confident and didn’t want to miss school. This year .. we also saw a change in pattern with regards to her sleeping habits – she now goes to her bed.. and fall asleep in her bedroom instead of the tv room. Sure, we still watch a short movie .. and read.. but after reading and the short movie, she goes to her bed.. and sleep .. like any kid her age.

Everyday, she comes home and tells us all about school.. and tells us about her friends. So yes, mummies out there.. if you can keep your kid outta school for another year.. please do.. because it sure made a lot of difference .. Chloe is so much more happier this year.