Protecting Your Kids


I’ve often wonder how some parents would allow their young kids to roam the streets on their own. I’ve often wonder .. what these kids are gonna grow up to be. I’ve also often wonder if putting chloe in this school is the right decision but having said that.. we really had no choice.. because it’s zone accordingly, there are no free directories, like in other parts of Canada.. where you can send your kids to a private school if you can afford it.

As a parent, I sometimes wonder – how does these kids survive ..?? how do these parents do it..?? Very often, i hear of parents going out for the nite.. and having a party.. with just about anyone coming to their homes. Yes, I’ll have to admit .. i’m not that popular .. neither is PB. We have very little friends.. and we like it this way. Why..?? mostly, it’s because we are very busy.. and secondly, the investing on the time can be very stressful at times.

As parents, we want our kids to be in the “good crowd” .. but is there a “good” crowd..?? Even the doctor’s kids can bully another doctor’s kid in high school – according to reliable sources. So how do one protect your kids..?? you can’t be with them 24hrs a day.. they have to go to school right..?? Something came to our attention last week about Chloe and one of her school mate – lets just said.. kids can be evil too. As parents, creating awareness is very important. As parents, it’s utmost important to listen to your kids and spend time daily to chat with him or her. It is very important to be there for him or her.. when they need you.

I’m glad that i’m spending more time with Chloe these days.. else i may not have found out what happened of late at school. Of course, as a parent, i do not wish this upon anyone.. therefore, I’m telling all parents out there.. that there are some kids who comes from “different” type of family, therefore, it’s important for you to be vigilant, it’s important that as parents.. we have to open our eyes and ears.. and gently bring across awareness. Working and gaming is important.. but nothing is more important then your kids, should anything happened to your kids.. and you could have prevented it.. by spending less time at work.. and gaming, you would lived to regret it. So dads .. who are into gaming.. spend more time with your kids.. and less them on the computer or console systems.. and moms.. less facebook.. and more time with your kids too. Don’t lived to regret it.. because they are only this age once.