New Phone


PB had been using his old model phone for like 5 yrs now, the phone still works.. but the face plate, well, lets just say.. it doesn’t wanna come on when it should.. and the battery don’t last too, too long either. His old model was a Samsung .. but like any responsible adult.. one don’t just go out and buy stuff .. when you want to.. or feel a need for change. Well, unless of course you are rich lah.. muahahha!! which we are not… although some may think otherwise.. but really we are NOT..! Anyhow, he was looking to change his old model and was looking at the many cell phones they have at Rogers (local phone shop here).

And since we know the manager of the store.. and he recommended this new Nokia model .. and it really didn’t cost PB a lot of money .. just a contract of 3 yrs which is the norm here.. but we figured there is no harm.. because we’ve always had this # even before i came to Canada. So how do i feel about his new cellphone..?? it’s a cellphone .. muahahhaha!! these days.. beside my laptop.. the rest .. well, you can say .. i only use them when absolutely necessary.