
We were visiting Chloe’s grammie and grampie a few days ago – and she of course needed all the attention (whats new?) and started making noises of a crow. Of course, we all laughed at her and her grammie said – “So you are a crow now?” In which, Chloe replied indignantly, that she was a PTERODACTYL and not a CROW!

Yes.. ! you heard right a PTERODACTYL ! even I donch know what a Pterodactyl is .. hahhaha!! i know it is a kind of dinosaur .. but really a PTERODACTYL …?? i mean ask me about fat burner and I’ll tell you all about it.. but how does a 6 years old know stuff like PTERODACTYL ..?? hahhahahaha!!! Apparently, she watched Scooby Doo – and they had said a word like that on one of the episodes. .muahahhahaha!!! My oh My..!!! I tell yer.. i wasn’t this smart.. when i was her age.. hahhahaha!!