Friends For Your Kids

Chloe had been spending time @ her grammie’s & grampie’s – and while she was out there – she had lots of visits from both her friends from her new school and her old school and of course friends from the store. She doesn’t know she missed all of them – but there is one kid we haven’t seen for a long time now. You see Chloe is really fond of this friend but unfortunately, we have had been making the calls and leaving messages for her friend’s parents for years now. Finally, this year – I decided – I’ve done my part as a friend and it’s up to them if they value our friendship – not like Chloe doesn’t have lots of ppl to play with and invited to play dates and stuff. I rather spend more time worrying about my cholesterol medications then the kid’s friend because she will outgrow the friendship – and she will have other friends as she grows up – so i’m not gonna be too, too worried about it – if this friend of hers doesn’t wanna call. If they are meant to be best buddies in the future – things will just fall into place – but in the meantime, I have no time to worry about it.