A Kid Who Is Nervous About School

So March break is over and school started on Monday – unfortunately, Chloe didn’t go back to school because she had a fever on Sunday and we kept her in on Monday and Tuesday as well – just so she doesn’t pass anything to her school friends. How you wished all parents are like that eh..?? yes, we are thankful we work for ourselves that way we can always schedule our time and take care of Chloe whenever we can. But having said that we are so busy – we don’t even have time for zit remedies and sometimes a shower – why? because the kid is full of nerves going to her new school.

Seriously, we do not know why she is nervous about her new school – which actually isn’t new because she started out in this school in French immersion. Anyhow – what do you do with a nervous kid ? We have to stay calm and tell her that if she still doesn’t feel well – when she arrives at school grounds we will take her home. But as soon as she got to school, she didn’t complain no more about a painful tummy. I am keeping my fingers cross here – i know chloe is a very sensitive kid – and i feel she does remember what happened during her first year in this school. I keep telling myself .. 3 more months.. 3 more months.