Pencil Holding

And here we go again … ! *sigh* .. same old .. same old .. with chloe’s new but old school. I think they need help to weigh the more important things that they need to concentrate on. I know where they are coming from – and I know Chloe does have an odd way of holding her pencil – but why stress the kid out when she had already informed them that she was comfortable with the way she was writing. Encouragement is the key to good teaching not? But the school haven’t approached us personally – it was just Chloe coming home all stressed up during the weekend about how one of her teachers wanted her to hold the pencil the way they want and she didn’t get to write nicely. She was pretty upset about it because this kid of mine – aims for perfection. And yes, we are aware of it – it’s painful to look at the way she holds her pencil – we are not slacker parents – we just want her to learn at her own pace.