Relationship With A Foreigner

So you think that you survive a long-distance relationship or even fall in love with a foreigner and live happily ever after? Before we even begin – let me tell you about the dark circles under eye, from the time difference we have here and Asia. And for those who are not aware of this – most of the “angmohs” i’ve met can be very quick to fall in love and also to fall outta love.

Why do i say that? well, we have a long time friend who just came back from Calgary – and he came out of a very bad relationship. When he first visited us – a few weeks ago – he swore never to see another “crazy” Canadian again – hahah!! apparently, the one he was with or left – was psychoville. But guess what today, he was in the store and happily introduced a woman to me – and called her the love of his life. *slap forehead* – well i can understand if the woman was a beauty or with legs or bums or whatever – but this one – *ahem* – no legs, no looks, no body, no hair, no nothing – if you know what i mean.

Plus he isn’t the first person doing this since I’ve been here for the last 10 yrs – relationships in this town can be as flimsy as your napkins these days it seems. It saddens me – to see people treat relationship this way. So if you are thinking of having relationship with a foreigner – well, i have only one advice – make sure you spend enough time long – distance with him to know that he is worth it.