The Sentimental Child

Summer is almost over for the kids – another few more weeks and they go back to school. Chloe saw her childhood friend once this year – and although she was looking forward to him joining her summer camp – she also kinda hope they would get together sometime. Unfortunately, he didn’t show up at her camp and she kept asking why? we didn’t wanna impose on his parents by calling – obviously – they have good reasons why he wasn’t in camp. So we tried to explain to Chloe that he must be busy or something else came up. Yes, she is quite sentimental and even though we don’t see much of her childhood friend these days – because both his parents are very busy now – with work and home obligations – she still long to play with him.

Anyhow, our sentimental child made some new “best” friends in camp this week – we are very happy and proud of her. Hopefully, with these new friendship – she will go again to camp next year and hopefully our sentimental girl will grow up to be a sensible one – because she doesn’t really pursue the matter about her childhood friend anymore. Being sentimental is good – but being obsessive – now that is a different story eh.