She’s Too Cute Sometimes!

Sometimes she can be so good and cute – but other times – she can be so stubborn and so whiny! The other day after showing her the magazine I had done for her with Today Parents – she went back to school to tell her teacher that she was on a magazine cover – in which her teacher had replied – that they just might have to get her autograph after school. She was so tickled by it – she went around repeating how famous she was now. Yes! that’s my chloe for you – at almost 7 yrs old – she can be quite adamant at some stuff – but at other times – she is so easy to please. Never really asking for much except for time to play with us and read with us. I don’t know what I would have done without having her – it would be quite boring – like we were yesterday – when we went shopping without her – as she was with her grammie’s.