Celebrating The Small Stuff

Did I tell you that I’m a helicopter mom? Yup ! that’s me alright! and although PB never ever tell me not to do anything – whether I’m being overly protective or overly alarmed or immediately jumping up to help Chloe when she falls, gets upset that her friends don’t want to play with her – or even if she gets mosquito bites – I’m also learning to take a smaller step backwards each time Chloe complains about something.

For those who had been following this blog for a long time – you would know that Chloe had changed school last year – and her Grade Primary teacher had gently mentioned that her diction isn’t all there yet. Of course, we had refused any help given that she had to change school in the middle of spring – we didn’t want to stress Chloe. But that didn’t mean that I wasn’t stressed nor was I not thinking about it. I thought of it constantly and almost signed Chloe up for private tuition or was checking out Mariposa – a learning center in town.

As usual, PB was very relaxed about it – and didn’t agree nor disagree when I had suggested help for Chloe and Chloe’s Grade 1 teacher had helped by putting her in a reading help class in school – not the recovery program but something extra on the side. We are grateful for it – because Chloe loved her reading class and we are pleased to announce that Chloe’s reading had improved tremendously since her last report. Like Chloe’s grammie used to say – it will come when she is ready – and I’ve gotta constantly remind myself of that – when someone says that Chloe is not there yet about anything. Different kids just are ready at a different pace – and I cannot compare my kid with others.