It Is Really All About Her

Little does Chloe knows about it is all about her – and the little boss t-shirt that we had printed out for her out of fun – actually has more meaning to it.  It is all about her – because even when Grammie was very sick and knew that she was not going to make it out alive – she was worried about her.  Now that Grammie is gone – I too am worried to leave her when she is so young plus when Grampie is sick I’m worried too – and keeping my fingers crossed that nothing happens to Grampie because as it is – Chloe is so worried if one of us is sick.  She is afraid that we might die and leave her.

Little does Chloe know that we all worked so hard at the store and online because we want to give her a better life.  We don’t want her to grow up without anything nor having to worry about food and money for furthering her studies but it is all about her and I hope that when she grows up she knows that whatever we do – is mostly because of her – because we loved her so much.