Entrepreneurship 101

Folks always think that our business became successful overnight but little do they know all the trials and errors we’ve gone thru’ before we are where we are today.  But even today, we don’t splurge and spend frivolously on ourselves nor the store. Of course, we get what we need but if we can save on anything we would.  When it comes to buying stuff or doing things for both home and the store, PB is the one that is good with the money.  We do all our  business cards with an  online business card printing place and still do now and if there is one advice we can give to anyone is to start small and save wherever and whenever you can.  Don’t need to use big companies for your printings or anything unless absolutely necessary. I know of many young entrepreneurs who would buy the most expensive stationary or print the most expensive business cards from big company only to end up in debt or closing its shop in less than 6 months.  Our business card is plain and simple and it serves it purpose and we are still doing alright with it.