Tall & Skinny

When Chloe’s new doctor told her that she was at risk of being overweight – she was so paranoid she learned to read – how much calories every thing she picked up to eat.  Yes!  horrible isn’t it and we didn’t even teach her to do that, she just did it on her own.  But no she wasn’t overweight or anything near it – kids go thru’ growth spurts and we tried to explain to Chloe about it.  So if your family doctor tells you something along the same lines about your kid – please don’t get overly excited because they do grow up and the baby fats do go.

But of course, having said that, there are kids that really need to watch out like one of chloe’s friend but how can you tell a kid that she is overweight or obese right?  Nor am I gonna tell her parents because for all you know, she might have a health condition.  But as a parent, I’m sure you know your kid best, so if they are really in that category, do something now before it’s too late.