Parents & Teachers Meet In Canada

Parents and Teachers meet are quite different here in Canada as compared to the ones in Asia.  As my friends from home report their year end Parents and Teachers meet on Facebook, I remembered those days when my own parents and teachers meet with my ever long suffering mother who would take time off to go for my Parents and Teachers meet to get my report card.

My mom loved going for Parents and Teachers meet even though it would mean that she would lose a day off or sometimes change shift with her co-workers, you see my mom was a midwife in the local hospital back home and that would mean that she would literally have to owe someone a favor.  In Asia, it’s different when you need a favor to your co-workers, you kinda were indebted to them and need to repay at some point in your life. Yes, those crazy Asians!

During my Primary school days, I was quite the embarrassment to my dear mom, I was in a convent school where girls were supposed to be demurred.  I was for one, none of that – demure was never in my vocabulary.   I was too talkative, too opinionated, strong willed, the red indian and the ring leader of all mischief in the class of 40 girls.  Yes, I stuck out like a sore thumb in the convent school.  My dear mom was seen nodding occasionally and never once did she try to explain to the nun who was my home room teacher about my ill gotten manners. But I knew that when I got home, it would not be the end of it because I would get a good caning when my dad came home.

But things took a 360 degree turn when I went to Secondary school at 13.  At 13 years old, after my PSLE (Primary School Leaving Exams), my aggregate being over 85%, I was promoted to an independent school.  Being in an independent school meant that my teachers were mostly British or those who’ve graduated in teaching college from overseas.  Suddenly, being too talkative, too opinionated made me the best speaker in the school debate team, I became my teachers’ pet overnight, you see why my mom loved going to Parents and Teachers meet now.  Yes, my British and England graduate teachers found my outspokenness a refreshing change, they encouraged me to speak my mind and to follow my dreams and that anything was possible and to be brave.

Reading about some of my friend’s report on their own Parents and Teachers meet made me realized that not much have changed in some parts of  Asia but in Canada our Parents and Teachers meet are very diplomatic.  My own experiences with Chloe’s Parents and Teachers meet are 99% positive.  They always concentrate on her strength and try very hard to work with us on her weaknesses, Chloe’s teachers always sees the best in her  and wants to help her to reach her goal’s and strengthen her weaknesses.

I’m very grateful to all of Chloe’s teachers, they are very dedicated and they work so hard to help Chloe become what she is today.  Chloe loves school and all her teachers very much, it is such a joy to see her eager to go to school every morning.  Every single one of her teachers had an open communication line with us throughout the year and gladly worked with us to help Chloe.  I liked everyone of her teachers and unlike my mom, who was the lone ranger when it comes to Parents and Teachers meet, PB and I attend the meet as a Parental Unit.  Chloe and I are very lucky because PB plays the very nurturing father who is actively involved in Chloe’s school and her entire well being.  PB is the one who sends Chloe to school and picks her up from school and also completes her homework with her and watch and see that she finishes her piano practices and reads with her while I stay in the store and handle the paper work at the store.

Like my mom, I too wouldn’t missed Chloe’s Parents and Teachers meet although I must admit that my mom’s must be quite stressful.  But it also dawned on me how much my mom must have wanted me to have a good education to put me in a convent school (tis’ was not easy to get into one back then)  and then approved that I go to an independent school instead of a all girl’s Chinese school.  But here in Canada, Parents and Teachers meet don’t make parents feel like they are incompetent but partners, teachers don’t glorify themselves here, they give all the credit to the children when they do well and want to be your partner when your child is weak at some areas to find solutions for your child.  I’m grateful always for awesome teachers in Chloe’s life.