The Lesson Of Giving – Chloe

Everyone who comes into our store ask Chloe how her Christmas was this year.  Well, this year as her parents we didn’t give Chloe anything for Christmas nor her birthday except for her birthday party.  But Santa gave her the 2 gifts she asked for and some stocking stuffer.  Why?

Well, this year we wanted to teach Chloe about giving and taking care of others first instead of  ourselves.  We’ve been so blessed throughout the year and since Chloe is the only child, we didn’t want her to grow up with the one child syndrome, whereby she thinks that she will get everything just because she wants it.  Chloe was really good about it and never argued with us and agreed that yes, we should take care of others first.

So this year for our family and friends, we bought more than our usual and gave more than our usual.  As for the money that we were supposed to spend on Chloe for Christmas and birthday, we chose to give it to 2 organization who needs it more than us.  I’m very proud of Chloe because not once did she whine about it nor did she say we didn’t get her anything.