School Interrupted


Yes, school had been interrupted since last week Thursday.  There was an oil leak in Chloe’s school and we were called to pick Chloe up from school earlier than usual.  Subsequently, we found out that school had to be closed due to health reasons and while some kids may love it, Chloe is so bored, I don’t even know what else I can do with her today.

We’ve gone thru’ her geometry test, we’ve done extra work with her piano recital, her grampie bought her a skate board, she had been doing bracelet with her rainbow loomz for her bracelet business.  Done paintings for her painting business, helped clean the store, helped clean the house, played with her cousins.  Gone for a haircut, been to the cottage, yes, just about everything.

We are also worried if she will catch up with the rest of her school work intended for this year since there isn’t any plan for summer school for the missing time.  But I’m sure the school and her teachers are just as worried and will do their best to help make up for the lost time.  But truth be told, I don’t mind if Chloe had extended classes during the summer, whatever it takes to make sure she gets to cover her entire school curriculum without having to rush thru’ it because of time constraint.

But I’m pretty sure that her teachers know what they are doing and the part of me being the helicopter mom is creeping up.  hhahahha!!