Appreciating The TEachers


So Chloe had handed me a list of teachers and TAs and staff from school she wanted to thank.   And if you know my Chloe, you will know how much she enjoys school except for the first year with her french teacher and the little boy who keeps touching her bum from another school.  Subsequently, we never had any trouble and she enjoys all her teachers very much.  Chloe is always grateful for all the attention that her teachers gives her and those given to her by Mr Purdy her principal as well as Mrs Rose, who takes care of her lunch everyday.

She listed all the reasons why she wanted to thank everyone on her list and she even reminded me that she wants to thank Mrs OB because she is her favorite teacher.  She loves her current teachers as well, Mrs Eyre and Mrs Bridgeo and have nothing but good things to say about her teachers.   She loves her TAs Ms Holly and Ms Patsy because of them, she is able to concentrate in class while they take care of other students. This year, she also has a french teacher – Mdm Rhyno and Chloe just adores her  – Chloe said that because of Mdm Rhyno , she loves her french.

I am so grateful for all of Chloe’s teachers, past and present and of course the librarian and Mrs Rose, who is a friendly face to Chloe when she is in school.  They all make attending school so much fun for Chloe and she loves school so much, you can never find another happier kid than Chloe when it comes to going to school.

Every year we try to do a little something for all these special educators, I know we don’t do enough to show how much we appreciate them but we try every year.   From the bottom of our heart, we want to thank them for helping Chloe grow into a wonderful kid, because of them, Chloe will be a fine young lady in the future.