Bird Killer

This morning while driving to work.. guess who managed to kill a bird on the road..?? Yes.. PB..!!! he can some more looked into the mirror.. and tell me.. that he can see the bird legs up.. in the air.. !! can die or not..!!!

But if the bird was so stupid.. as not to fly .. when it sees a car coming.. i think it deserves to die too.. lah..!! how can be so stupid one..?? i think it’s the water in the town.. hahahah!! bird stupid.. and crooks too.. !! more on the crooks being stupid a little later.. 😉

Lobster Fest Weekend

This weekend is Lobster Fest Weekend.. starting from today to be exact. The roads were busy.. but we didn’t see alot of traffic.

Last year Lobster Fest we were all hyped up.. but it didn’t turned out too great.. because of the weather.. and we received a nasty call from a supplier and had a huge dispute on that said day. Of course none of our workers know about it.. because we handle all our stuff on our own. All the workers we ever had.. never really had a sense of ownership at all. It’s quite different from Asian workers to be honest.

We behaved so normally i doubt anyone knew what we were going thru’ with this particular supplier..! Lobster Fest and SeaFest are totally different thing if you are wondering. This year.. i am not so excited nor am i doing anything special .. for various reasons.. which i am sure.. if you are a regular reader would know. Oh and let me tell you lah.. Lobster Fest and Seafest are actually nothing spectacular lah..! I assure you .. going to Vivo City in Singapore.. is way more exciting than the 2 fests combined.

Crazy Doctors Here

I read on the local webpage of the radio station here.. that the local doctors here are asking to be paid for working in the free clinic as volunteers. Now that’s the craziest thing i’ve ever heard.. donch you think..??

Already doctors make alot of money.. yet they are asking to be paid.. to do community work..??? I really hope i read wrongly..!! because it’s no longer on the webpage already to verify it once again.. but it sure is crazy.. !! and i thought i was the crazy chinese woman from Singapore..!!

Guess there are crazier ppl around here.. eh..??

Coming Seafest 2007

This year’s Seafest is just round the corner. Now if you remembered.. we had made a big deal about it.. and tried our best to give the best back to the town.

This year we’ve decided not to do much.. because we have so many things lined up that needs our constant attention. PB and I are constantly kept busy beyond what we can handle.. now that we have corporate clients to take care of. Even though we are busier this year, we’ve decided not to hire anymore help.. and try to work harder on our own..due to the fact that we’ve never been lucky with our employees. For the past 6 months.. PB and I experienced nothing but bliss..! We were able to work out a schedule that fitted everyone.. and the customer/s and we saved alot of money from not hiring anyone additional. Best of all.. we just have to be nice to ourselves. Bliss..!

Sure we worked alot harder.. but nothing beats keeping all the money to yourself.. muahahahhahahhahaa!! an no more headaches..!

There is finally advantages living in Canada

Yup..! i finally realised.. that there is an advantage living in this town.. since moving to Canada.

Now donch laugh.. it’s true.. and for those who have trouble losing weight.. and can never seems to maintain a decent weight.. move to my town here.. in Canada.. and i assure you .. you wouldn’t put on any weight.. even when you are pregnant.. and in fact .. like me lost weight..!

Yup.. when i first came to Canada.. i was much heavier than now.. !! after having Chloe.. my weight was all time low.. and i didn’t even have to diet.. !! and a few years later.. i did put on some weight.. but not nearly as i was .. when i first came.. and yes.. i know i’ve lost weight.. coz’ the clothes that i first bought when i first arrived.. that was quite fitting.. i can wear them now. And my rings.. they keep falling out..! from my fingers.

So anyone cannot lose weight.. or wanna have a baby.. and every doctor say you cannot have one.. because of whatever the reason.. just move to my town.. and you will both lose weight .. and have a baby.


School is finally over.. for the schools here.. so all the kids out there.. is going to be hanging around the house alot… and drive their parents up the wall. Well for some kids like Keegan.. she being the productive and having a good head on her shoulder.. she would want more hours working at the store.. and save up for a car.. and things she needs before school reopens in September. That can only mean .. that we get more free time to do our own stuff.. and of course to look into our already very busy schedule.

Graduation is this week and i feel a little nostalgia because alot of kids that we know .. are graduating.. and it also makes me wonder .. when i can see our dear Chloe graduate too. Or will i lived that long to see her all grow up.. and graduating.. and be a useful person..?? Donch you feel that way sometimes..?? those of you who have younger kids..?? Sometimes, i worry about my health.. and the only reason is because i wanna be there for my brat .. as she is growing up.. and not only watch her grow.. but walk along with her. It is very hard to grow up.. without the support and encouragement from your parents.. i for one know first hand. My dad is still alive.. but i might as well consider him dead.. coz’ he was never there for any of my siblings or I. Having a mother who is so busy making ends meet.. and can only concentrate on one or two of us.. leave us girls .. very thin emotionally.
Continue reading “Graduation”

The Truth

The truth is sometimes very hard to listen to .. and at times.. it might even hurt you. But we tell the truth as it is.. to most of our ex-workers and the truth is.. ppl donch change eh..?? even after many years later.. you still hear ppl talk about your ex-workers.

And guess what they say..?? “not the strongest worker” or even “mediocre worker” as we had talked among ourselves when they were working for us.

Truth be told.. we’ve gone thru’ so many employees.. and tried so hard to give everyone a chance .. and in the end.. it is usually not in our favour .. which makes us realized.. how fortunate we are .. that we do not have to depend on anyone now, coz’ just a few days ago.. a customer was in .. and is currently working with one of our ex-workers.. and he had said.. to us.. that he cannot wait to fire him because that person is just plain lazy. And about a week ago, a collection agency was calling high and low.. for one of our ex-worker who haven’t worked here for about a year now. Ppl donch changed.. more than a year ago.. we already predicted.. this was gonna happen.. and it did.

Sad as it may be.. some ppl just isn’t worth our time… especially those .. who thinks the whole world is against them.. or those who is just plain weird.

Coffee or Tea..??

A few days ago, after coming back from the store, and chloe was out playing with her Papa, she came in to let me know that baby was outside.

My good neighbour whom we rarely see happened to be out there with their baby boy. I haven’t seen him alot because they are very busy people and the child is already more than a year old. The last i’ve seen him, he was just a baby. So you see how busy both our families are..?? and we are just staying beside each other.

Like i’ve said many a times.. good neighbours .. they leave us alone.. and they go about their own thing. Should they be outside the house.. when we drive into our driveway, we just nod.. and go our own way. That’s the way we like it. What about you ..?? Do you have neighbours like us..?? or do you visit and become close friends with your neighbours.. and visit each other .. everyday for coffee and tea..???

Not A Miracle Worker

Received a phone call just a few minutes ago.. at the store. Caller asked PB if he fixes games..?? We do have a machine that we had paid 600 bucks for to repair scratch disk .. be it PS2 games.. Xbox games.. or even movies. But caller seems to want a miracle.. he asked PB if he can do anything.. if a chunk of the disk is missing..! Hahahhahahaahahahahahahahah!!!

OMG..!!! how retarded can ppl be.. ??? I told PB .. that he should have told them.. “he is no Miracle Worker!” You tell me lah.. how to repair anything if a chunk has come off..??

Ppl are so smart here.. eh..??

Signing the X-Ray Papers

As you all know.. i had to take another x-ray .. here in town.. because my previous one in Halifax showed a certain shadow they can’t identify. So after making the appt to do it last week, i was told to come back the next day.. as the x-ray machine was out of order.

Nevermind.. i’m at their mercy.. so i didn’t say too much.. and came back the next day.. and was a good sport too. The next day.. got a call from our dear hospital here.. in this town.. and was told that the radiologist gotta see me.. before he would sign the papers for me. So the technician who took my x-ray.. cannot vouch for me..?? so the tech didn’t see my face..??
Continue reading “Signing the X-Ray Papers”