“May I be happy, healthy, safe, and live with ease.” Repetition is key, as well as catching yourself when you aren’t being so friendly to yourself. You can recite aloud or silently any of those four slogans as necessary throughout your day.
I’m going to need to remind myself constantly from this day on to be kind to myself and that the whole world does not need saving. I’ve been pushing myself really hard these days and in return – also pushing the spouse to ferry me around to do good deeds and things I feel it is the right thing to do for others. But I need to learn to take care of myself first – especially now that I’m fighting cancer. In other words, I have to remind myself to stop being such a kaypoh !!!
Maitri is the path of developing an unconditional friendliness toward every part of our sweet selves—so that we can be fully available to ourself, our life, our loved ones, and this world.
Maitri is about more than self-care. It’s about more than spa days and epsom salts.
It’s about becoming strong, grounded, confident, resilient, relaxed, with a light touch. It’s about becoming ourselves.
It’s not about Self-Help—it’s not about getting “better”—it’s about recognizing the sweet heart that’s always been here.