Often it is the deepest pain that empowers one to grow into your highest self – so I heard many times. But does one really have to go thru’ the pain of death or sickness to become one’s best? If it is true then it has gotta be the hardest lesson one has to go thru’ and no one in my opinion should go thru’ something so painful as health, sickness, and death. But of course in the perfect world, this ain’t gonna happen
Some ppl also said that one day, everything will make perfect sense, really?? But I guess, for now, one just got to live life at its fullest and do what makes one happy eh? And I’m trying to look at things even more simply and happily but sometimes it does get hard. I wanna do the right thing for everyone but sometimes others do not see it that way but do I wanna care what others think ? No not really , unless they are my spouse and kid , everyone else don’t matter.