Hives, Hives..!

Eeeeeeewwwwwwwwwkkkkkkkkkk..!! Chloe got hives..!!! Yes..H I V E S !!

The only thing we can think of . .that she had different was the chinese fishballs she had.. that were new to her system.

Babysitter called.. and told us.. she think chloe had rashes.. but we knew better.. of course.. since we had one experience before. But good thing Babysitter was smart and called us immediately. We gave her some medication.. so lets hope it helps…. and we will monitor Chloe very closely.. 🙂

Papa BoK just reported that she might have a temperature again.. because she was all sweaty.. when he put her to her bed. Bummer..!!


Poor Chloe puked big time this evening after we came home from the store..! no idea why.. but Papa BoK just gave her a chocolate .. and she was happily eating it.. and then she wanted to be carried by Papa BoK.. and out it all came..!

Poor thing..!! We bathed her quickly.. and gave her some tylenol. .with her milky. No fever..! thank God..! but will monitor her closely.. and check her temperature regularly tonite.

I donch think she is all well yet.. although she doesn’t have a temperature anymore. So sad to see my girl suffer like that. 🙁

Fever Update 2


Chloe no longer have a fever anymore today.. but she did puked big time after lunch.
She is more cranky than her usual.. and not that lethagic as she was 2 days ago.
She even had chicken congee tonite .. 🙂
We didn’t go to the store at all today.. so that we can just spend time with her.. and watch over her. But daddy did go into the store for abit.. to get some stuff.
Hopefully, tomorrow.. we can bring her out for some fresh air, although it says it is gonna rain tomorrow.. so we will just have to see.. and play by ear.


Chloe is having a fever since last nite, she was exceptionally clingy towards her babysitter . .and even took a short nap.. while she was holding her.

When her babysitter left, i noticed that she was exceptionally hot.. and took her temperature.. and alas..! to our dismay .. she had a fever.

Poor baby..!! we have been giving her tylenol.. and monitoring her closely.

It’s 6.16am now.. and she just slept.

PS : Good thing.. Grammie is gonna come in tomorrow.. because Chloe is sick..! thank God.. for grammies..!!

Not A Wink

I didn’t get to sleep a wink last nite.. because my tummy was acting up. I only managed to sleep in the morning at 11am to 2pm… 3 whole hours..!!
And i didn’t go by the store today… because i didn’t feel too good.
I’m feeling much better now.. the tummy is a wee bit queasy still.. but otherwise.. i am alright..! It snowed the nite before.. and the roads was freaking nasty..!

It is currently , and we are expecting blowing snow tomorrow..!! Boy ..!! i am so not looking forward to all the snow..!! And the earliest that Ford has a loaner for my snow tire change is only for the 22nd December..!!
I had already nagged at Papa BoK before the snow came…. but he very the stubborn… say we have an all weather tire.. and no need to freak out.. so i didn’t force him to make an appt with Ford .. but i knew deep down inside..when the snow comes… and he is ready for the tire change..for sure.. we gotta wait long, long.
So in the meantime till 22nd December.. i have to live in constant worry of the car going into the ditch.. or we slamming into someone because the tire we have on does not have enough traction .. for the icy roads.
I digress..!

Mrs Pukey

My daughter is Ms Pukey.. therefore I should be called Mrs Pukey..! I puked big time tonite.. !! and i donch know why.. !!
Came home feeling alright.. and then while watching Jackass .. i started to feel lousy.. and wanting to puke..!! and at 12.30am.. i puked big time..!! puked so bad.. that i can’t wait to brush my teeth and mouth..!! yakkks.s.s….!!!
I donch feel sick or anything.. just felt lousy.. before puking. So now after a piece of toast and a cup of tea.. i feel ok.. meaning donch feel like puking now.
Hope i donch get sick or anything.. or it would be a real bummer.. coz’ i donch wanna pass anything to Ms Puke.

Help..!!! Help..!!!

I was just at Rathi’s blog.. and she is in serious need of some encouragement..!!
Can everyone go over her blog..and give her some encouragement..!! and better still.. if you are located in Singapore.. or Malaysia.. someone please help me.. to give Rathi a call and give her a shoulder to cry on.. and for those with broader shoulder.. please give her one to lean on.
I wished i was nearer.. and could call or listen to her .. 🙁
Every now and then.. we all go thru’ some really unpleasant and depressing things.. so please.. please someone.. anyone.. help me.. by trying to contact Rathi.. and talk to her please..!!!
I would be forever grateful to everyone who reaches out to Rathi.. 🙂 I promise i will play host when you come visit Canada.. 🙂

Forgetfulness or Too stressed..??

I have been forgetting to take my diabetic medication.. although i swear i try religiously to eat them after every meal. But i’m either in too much of a hurry.. at the store.. or just into doing stuff at home.. that i managed to forget it .. ALOT.
Yes.. i’m pretty bad at it.. unless.. i start swooning or something.

PS: And i better stop cheating.. and taking sips of pepsi that is in the fridge for my MIL. Kekekekeke!!!

Poor Thing..!!

Poor Papa BoK.. while Baby BoK is recovering from the cold.. Papa BoK caught the cold.. and is under the weather..!
I think it is from too much moving.. and not enough sleep.. and wanting to do more than his body will allow it.. like playing games. .instead of sleeping.
I told Papa BoK .. if i can sleep the way he does.. like fall asleep like in 10 secs.. i would be the luckiest woman on earth.. for i do not fall asleep as easily as Papa BoK.
So yes.. running nose.. and all.. Papa BoK did go to bed early last nite.

New Toy

New toy for the home… 🙂 the exercise bike certainly caught the attention of our brat.. for the first thing she wanted to do .. was to figure out the exercise bike this morning.