Festive Season 2013

Life cannot be better, good friends, good neighbors and family enjoying the Christmas parade and having hot chocolate at our store.  We have been so blessed this year, receiving gifts and food from family and friends from away.  Packages of goodies and gifts coming in for Chloe since November and of course, we are also busy preparing for her birthday.  She is going to be 10 years old!  time sure flies.  This year, school is going so good, she has such a great home room teachers and PAs, I cannot be more thankful.

The store had been really busy and we  have been busy buying a new store and hoping to expand.  We don’t want to rent anymore as we have been in business for 14 years to date.  So buying will be the only reason why we will be moving.  Alot of things had going on at home in Singapore too,  my parents dividing their properties amongst us – the siblings and while PB has no intention of getting anything from them, he is transferring his share of the properties to Chloe instead.  So the lawyers are going back and forth with the signing of documents and I guess my Chloe is going to be kinda comfortable when she grows up.

Why are my parents doing this now?  because they don’t want us to end up like when my grandparents passed away and my uncles and aunts were fighting over -who should get what.  While I know that my siblings are quite relax about the will, my parents fears that it might cause ill – feelings between us, so they rather do it while they are alive.  Like PB said, we don’t want anything, we are not well off but we are pretty comfortable here in Canada.  But my parents insisted that we should get part of the properties they have *sigh* – therefore, PB transferred our share of the Chloe.

In the meantime, we are just keeping busy at the store, which is forever busy it seems but we are happy and very glad that my parents are healthy and we missed them as much as they do us.


Thank God for wonderful neighbors in the neighborhood and a friend who moved down the road from us recently.  It’s wonderful to be surrounded by good people and good children in the neighborhood.  Chloe gets many play dates with our new neighbor/friend and I cannot thank God enough for them. They come over often too and I see us doing more things together in the near future.   I’m very happy that a friend move nearby to us.  But of course my long time neighbor on my right are awesome too – so double blessings now and down the road, the Uptons are wonderful people as well. Their children are so good (they really taught their children well) and of course the Uptons themselves are friendly, warm and sincere folks.  Life is too short not to be surrounded by good ppl.

I’m So Proud

I’m so proud to call you friends  because it seems that only my friends back home can understand the humor like the poster above.  My g/f has a kid who has Asperger and instead of wallowing, she had taken time to educate the teachers/principal in her kid’s school and help mothers with kids like hers. She humbles me – she is very successful in her own field and yet spend countless of hours taking care of her kid.    She is also able to laugh at things and enjoy the humor of some very sinister people who insist on knowing what is best for an Asperger kid and make judgement about him without knowing what Asperger is.

Sometimes, it’s easy to point fingers and lash out and think that you or your kids are hurt or disturbed but have you thought about the other party when you started complaining about them?  or making snide remarks or conclusion about the other kids/person before knowing how he or she felt? or what the real reason behind the behavior?

I’m so proud to call you friends  because I see the difference in my friends from home and how intelligent they are at dealing with the not so informed.  Some of you have been friends with me for more than 20 years and you know who you are and even though we are so far apart, you are all so very good to me in so many ways.  I’m so blessed to call you friends.

Random Shopping

Many years ago, before coming to Canada, I would buy a piece of jewelry every time I go away for work, and knowing that I travel so much, my local jewelers would call me up if they had new stock in house.  Unfortunately, after coming to Canada, I cannot find the kind of gold I like here, i like the 22K gold and no Tiffany here as well, so I don’t get to buy as much jewelry as I liked.

But once in a while at Crescent, I do get to see some really good pieces and I would snatch them up immediately.  I prefer buying jewelry when I can put them on and try them out to see how it fits me, so a month ago, I saw this ring and immediately liked it after I tried it and bought it of course.  Guess what Chloe said to me?  Oh no Mom!  not another piece of jewelry ! hhahahah!!!  You see I buy them but sometimes don’t wear them and leave them in our safe deposit box and forget about it and Chloe being Chloe, she knows me too well.  But PB never complained, he always say – go ahead and buy whatever you want – muahahah!!  i’m totally blessed right?

New Glasses For Chloe

We had gotten some new glasses for Chloe because she had complained that she can’t see that clearly with her old glasses even though it was less than a year old.  A eye test with the optometrist and eye doctor was scheduled as soon as the school term ended in July and true enough she needed new prescription.  We had wanted to recycle the old frames since they were still very new only to find out that with using the old frame, we won’t be getting the buy one get one free deal and it and if we were to get new ones, it would cost about the same amount albeit a little bit cheaper.

So we decided on getting her 2 new pairs that cost us about $500 because we chose the lenses which has that scratch proof thingie and very thin lenses, so that it won’t weigh so much on her.  We then donated the old ones to kids who needed them.  Chloe loves her new glasses and couldn’t wait to show them off to her friends at school.  We are not spendthrift but when it comes to the kid, we want the best for her, especially if it is a necessity.

Talent Show In Town

The annual talent show is coming to town again this October and we are to source for some USB microphones for the talent show and thus far we found some usb microphone at musicians friend that are of professional quality and affordable for the organizers. Of course, we do have the cheaper ones but they are mostly for personal use, these ones that we’ve found are of a better quality. So next week, we are going to present them to the organizers and then will order it for them if they are agreeable with it. We are happy to be a part of the talent show this year and even though we are not making any money in sourcing the microphones for the talent show, we are happy to give back to the town. It’s not all about money for us you know.

Tall & Skinny

When Chloe’s new doctor told her that she was at risk of being overweight – she was so paranoid she learned to read – how much calories every thing she picked up to eat.  Yes!  horrible isn’t it and we didn’t even teach her to do that, she just did it on her own.  But no she wasn’t overweight or anything near it – kids go thru’ growth spurts and we tried to explain to Chloe about it.  So if your family doctor tells you something along the same lines about your kid – please don’t get overly excited because they do grow up and the baby fats do go.

But of course, having said that, there are kids that really need to watch out like one of chloe’s friend but how can you tell a kid that she is overweight or obese right?  Nor am I gonna tell her parents because for all you know, she might have a health condition.  But as a parent, I’m sure you know your kid best, so if they are really in that category, do something now before it’s too late.

True Friends

I never really got comfy with a lot of people for a long time till Lynette came along, she has a heart of gold and she is constantly trying to do nice things for everyone.  She might not have a lot but if she is ever a millionaire, you can bet on Lynette to give away half her fortune to friends, family and the needy.

I’m so happy that we got to celebrate her birthday with her this year, and I  know that she is really happy this  year because her daughter has the bestest  boyfriend who is not only a good boy  but a good influence to her.  I wish happiness always for Lynette and loads of money.

Bed Hunting

I went bed hunting with my girlfriend today because her ex- mother-in-law wanted to get back the bed frame that she is currently using.  Yes, even though she knows that it is her son’s fault that she is losing everything, this ex-MIL wants to get as much things outta her as possible – yet, she still thinks that her ex- MIL and her ex-in laws are good people.  *slap forehead*.

Anyhow, we didn’t find the right bed for her nor frame, so in the end we decided to save money, she can buy the headboard and she can use our double bed that we have spare in our basement for now. I love my g/f like a sister and if I can I wanna help as much as possible.  But she really do need to be stronger and take a stand for herself but how do you teach someone to be a B.I.T.C.H.

Pre-Mother’s Day Celebration

My sisters from another mother gathered together to have a Mother’s Day celebration before we celebrate with our own family – on the real Mother’s day.  Having been in Canada for more than 10 years now and being a mother for 9 – this year has got to be the most happening for me.  I’ve met so many mothers from all over the world her in Canada and we’ve form a really nice group to do things with and to eat with.  I’m so blessed by so many people here and I cannot ask for better friends.