Report Card For Grade 1

I’m pleased to report that Chloe got her report card back today. All As 2 B s only 1 C – for reading. Her teacher wrote : Chloe has had a good first term. She is making progress at the early grade one level of reading and she does well with her word lists. She tries hard with her writing. Her work is always very neat and shows that she puts lots of effort into it. I need to encourage her to take risks when writing and to give the word a try. She often wants to have all her work done correctly. Chloe is always very pleasant and well behaved. She is kind and helpful to others.

Chloe has definitely come a long way – from when she first started at this school. Yes! i think the teachers play a very important part – Chloe is very lucky – her last year teacher and this year’s were great teachers – who have their own kids – therefore, wasn’t as panicky as the first one. Chloe tries really hard to read and recognize her words and we as parents of course hope she continues to excel in school.

White Hair – Aging

I have more white hair sprouting out this year – than any other years that I’ve noticed – I guess I cannot deny the fact that I’m getting on with my age – 45 *sigh*. The spouse say it’s just a number and you are how you feel – and how you take care of yourself. But with aging comes knowledge and a serene feeling because I’m in a good place. I really cannot ask for a better half – and having Chloe is already an abundant blessing. But having say all that I also want to boost my health to keep up with the little brat and want to live a long live to see her get marry and have kids of her own and help her to take care of her kids. I hear that hgh supplements can do all that and reverse signs of aging as well, therefore, I am going to ask my doctor about it and get the supplement to help me stay on top of things.

Working In Canada

We were at a local fast food place the other day – and it was an Asian who served us – this person is not young – in fact i believed she had been in Canada for a long time. But as soon as she started to serve us – even I cannot really understand her very well, so I quickly ordered and went on my way. Many people had asked me if it was easy getting work in Canada – and even though like that girl I saw at this fast food place – I can imagine that our accent may be a little bit of a hindrance – just to get a job in any good places. Even though I pride myself as having English as my first language – there are still some people who claimed they cannot understand me at my own store. So when I think about getting a job out of the comfort of the store – when Chloe is older – i too wonder if it would be a hindrance or a setback. Should I start talking like the “ang mohs” Canadians? should I be more Canadianized? But I do like the way i speak – like many people would be stubborn and exclaimed but yes! I think if i want to get a job outside of this comfort zoen – I better start speaking like a Canadian – if not a American eh.

Going Paperless

You all know we own our own business right? sometimes I wished the spouse would go paperless and get the document management software for the entire store – after all, it is for the good in the long run. Instead of hunting down for files like the old fashioned way – and making sure they are filed properly – by going paperless – every computer repaired for the customer/s is stored safely and can be easily called up when needed.

At the moment, if we needed to look up for an old information on a customer – we still have to look for the paper that was filed – so it can be a little troublesome – especially for me – since I don’t really know where all the documents are filed. So next year, when the store isn’t so busy during the lat winter months – I’m going to get the spouse to look into the software again.

She’s Too Cute Sometimes!

Sometimes she can be so good and cute – but other times – she can be so stubborn and so whiny! The other day after showing her the magazine I had done for her with Today Parents – she went back to school to tell her teacher that she was on a magazine cover – in which her teacher had replied – that they just might have to get her autograph after school. She was so tickled by it – she went around repeating how famous she was now. Yes! that’s my chloe for you – at almost 7 yrs old – she can be quite adamant at some stuff – but at other times – she is so easy to please. Never really asking for much except for time to play with us and read with us. I don’t know what I would have done without having her – it would be quite boring – like we were yesterday – when we went shopping without her – as she was with her grammie’s.

Christmas Mailing

Christmas is just round the corner and we see lots of companies sending out direct mail printing for their catalogs and brochures not only to our home but the store. And it certainly has made shopping a lot easier for us – because we know exactly what to get and how much we are willing to spend. Chloe is able to circle the things she wants from Santa and it sure made things easier for us too – as we didn’t have to bring her to a crowded store – and make her choose from a few dozens of choices. Maybe, next year – we should do the same for our store too – send out these brochures way before Christmas to customers too – after all, I liked browsing thru’ all the brochures and catalogs that I received – and it sure made shopping easier for me.

The Teenage Years

I haven’t been sleeping good recently and keep thinking of Nick – PB’s nephew who took his own life recently. Just the other night I dreamt about Nick and I was trying to hold on to him – when I woke up I couldn’t go back to bed. I told PB about it – and his reply was – ” don’t loose sleep on that selfish prick!” I was kinda taken aback – because people who take their own life – do it because they think they have no hope – some do it because they have an imbalance in their body. And whatever reason Nick took his own life I don’t know and never will. But people who resort to this – is not to be taken lightly – it’s a kind of sickness – sometimes it is not even within their control.

I fully understand why some people cannot tolerate this action or selfishness – some may even be angry with them. But let me tell you – this condition is not to be taken lightly – and they are not even in control with what they are thinking at that time. Teenage years are not the same – don’t compare yours with theirs – because things are just different. So parents – be alert – be careful – and be supportive, learn to listen – and learn to be there for them always.

Books For Christmas

As much as I love to get toys for every kid in Chloe’s class for Christmas present – I strongly feel that books may be a better idea. Even chocolates are discouraged by the school these days – so here I am thinking – should we get books to donate to the entire class? or just give money to her teacher to get the books herself. It would be easier to give her the money to get the books – because she would then know what are suitable – and probably get a better deal. But I’m worried – that her teacher might not like the “money” thingie – so what do you all think? buy the books on my own and donate it to the class – or hand the money over and let the teacher pick the books she wants for the class?

I’m An Action Mom !

I’m an action mom! are you? while PB is very relax about stuff – I’m the action one – I like to do things quickly – pick up the phone and find out all the information about it – and get things done. And I pride myself for it – unfortunately, it also bugs me that PB is so relax – and seems like waiting for things to happen and not making things happen. Am I do doer? or am I just overly excited about stuff? I think a balance is good – but when things don’t get done – it kinda makes my heart raise its heartbeat – I don’t know if you know what i mean. But yes ! i’m an action mom! and being an action mom can sometimes caused one to loose lots of sleep. What kind of mom are you?

Shopping Savvy Mom

I do pride myself for being a shopping savvy mom – because I only buy things when they are on a good sale price – not just any sale – but it had to be 40% or more. I’m pretty good at sniffing out this kind of sale – and when they do come along like the Black Friday sale – I watch it like a hawk and make sure I get what i need for Christmas presents. So if you are looking for a good sale – don’t forget to check out the Black Friday sale – because there are lots of gadgets and geeky stuff one can get for their spouse and boyfriends.