Migrating To Canada? Check Out The Weather!

Brrrrr..!! it’s cold out there today! it’s not even the end of November yet and it already feels like the winter! Yes! every year – I don’t know how I survived such horrid weather – it’s so cold that even with the heat on in the entire store – my hands are still cold and I need a little heater below my desk.

And power or oil or even wood is just as expensive – to heat the house or the store – during the winter. Alot of folks cannot afford to heat the house to keep their children warm – and to feed them at the same time. Winter can be harsh and long here in Canada – sometimes we are snowed in for days – sometimes there is no power for days. So if you are thinking of migrating – make sure you can withstand the harsh weather here before you move away fromt he comforts of your home.

40″ Plasma For The Bedroom

Having a store like ours is pretty awesome because we sometimes do come across really good and cheap stuff. You see people don’t know how to budget or manage their money here – they have no money for emergencies and neither friends nor family can help them out. So what they do? they sell whatever things they bought recently for half of what they paid for – and sometimes even less. Of course, we get first dips on things like that. So recently we acquired a 40″ plasma for only $100 – so now we are looking around for tv stands – because it’s for our bedroom – so we need something that isn’t too bulky nor expensive. We weren’t keen on putting a tv in our bedroom but since it came so cheap – we just can’t resist it. Our tv stand would probably end up being more than the plasma itself… hahahah!

Teenage Pregnancy

Sometimes I don’t know what these kids are thinking. For years now – I’ve seen teenagers having babies as young as 14 yrs old. What in the hell are they thinking? Plus they people they are having these babies with are just another kid!!!! This town has the highest teenager pregnancy and everyone is taking all these way too lightly. There should be a law against teenage pregnancy!

I just found out that our 19 yrs old customer got his 15 yrs old girlfriend pregnant! holy moly!! i don’t think he has a job – I don’t think she is in school anymore – I don’t really know what they have for a future. What are they thinking? Mannn!! i seriously hope we could teach Chloe better – I certainly don’t hope this for any family – it’s has gotta be the hardest blow for any family.

Black Friday Deals

Every year after Thanksgiving in the US – you hear and see people lining up at electronic stores to get the best deals for Christmas presents. I am sure you would do that too – if you knew that the deals are like up to 50% off. This is one day – we can’t resist buying electronic goodies. I have been eying to buy a 24″ LCD monitor for Christmas – now I don’t have to wait because at Cyber Monday I can get it right now with free shipping for $141!!!! sweeeettt!!! can’t believe it right? and a wireless keyboard and mouse for under $20 !!! No line ups – no waiting in the freezing cold wind! win- win situation for us here – plus we only shop when there is a good deal on – and you can’t beat this one here.

Busy At The Store

While most business in this town is affected by the lack of tourism this year – we have been blessed – we continue to be busy most days at the store. This year, we also see a new trend in our customer/s because of the close down of a movie/game rental place in town – we’ve been busy on that front too. So much so that my exercising had been quite irregular. I don’t like feeling fat – I don’t like feeling tired at all, now if only someone can recommend me some weight loss pills that work for sure – i would go get them. I’m not against exercising – but having to work – cook two meals for the kid – and then having to come home and do tons of housework – bathe her and then do her homework with her – leaves me very little time and strength. Some help is good of course – not like i’m going to over do it – just some help to get me started again – and feeling good about myself. Time to go talk to the pharmacist.

She’s Almost 7 !

As we sit and watch our daughter Chloe sleeping in her little couch bed in the tv room – we cannot helped but wonder where the time flew. She is almost 7 years old a month from now and even though it doesn’t seems so long – she is really growing up. Chloe can be so sweet at times and other times so bratty – but she is only but 7 yrs old right?

I remember my own God-daughter Sandy – when she was about younger than Chloe – she was a lot worst – but she is all grown up now and in college and outgrew all her brattiness too. I hope to continue to do a good job with Chloe – bring her up to be an honest person with integrity. She is a miracle – and i remind PB all the time. I don’t want to miss out on anything with Chloe – I don’t want her to feel like we are too busy with work. Balance i hope to find in our lives – balance.

A Celebration

A customer who turned into a good friend of the family – came in to announce the birth of his newborn son and gave PB some jamaican cigars today. Very nice of him – but since PB doesn’t smoke – we are giving it to his father, see good cigars never goes to waste – there is always someone we know who loves cigars. Which prompts us to buy cigars for Christmas presents for our extended families and friends. While some people like myself don’t like the smell of cigarettes – I really don’t mind the smell of cigars – pretty weird eh? but yes! the smell of cigars remind me of an aroma smell.

Good Hotel Rates & Good Weather

Good hotel rates and good weather = to a quick trip up to the city. Yes ! it was last minute decision – but we saw some good hotel rates for downtown halifax – and the weather was not too cold – so we packed and headed up to the city for 2 days and 1 night. Short notice – but I had to get up and get my sushi, sashimi and Asian groceries. Woohoo!!

Dealing With Grief

Nick’s funeral is tomorrow – as I logged into facebook and see how the well-wishes from his friends – i know he was a very popular fella and very loved and liked. As I sit here – thinking of Nick – I also remembered what my family doctor had said yesterday about dealing with grief. Am I grieving for Nick? if I am – how would his family be dealing with it? if it is hard for me – it must be 1000 times harder for them. My heart goes out to the extended family.

We are unable to attend Nick’s funeral tomorrow – because Chloe was all nerves going on the airplane. I wished we could go – to show our support – afterall, this is what family is all about right? I wanna send him off and say my goodbyes too – but in a way – this may be better – because already I cannot forget his face. For the last few days – I see Nick’s face everywhere, I am dealing with his lost too and although we don’t see him often – my heart just feels so heavy – an unanswerable sadness deep within.

My doctor wants me to talk to my therapist about it – she said it was very important to do it – because grieve comes in different level and stages and in the years to come – there may be things we can do for the extended family as well. Grief – how do one deal with a death – so young and so, so sad.

Trip To The City With A Girlfriend

Many years ago – before coming to Canada – I would be in search for a girlfriend to go for trips to the city – for shopping or just a short vacation, but none to be found – because they were either too busy – or they had to bring along their boyfriends. Now in Canada – I had never gone out with my girlfriends – because I have Chloe and a spouse – so it’s different. So when a girlfriend who just got her new car asked if I wanted to do a day trip with her to the city – I jumped at the chance. Her car insurance will be finalized within the next day and she is all set to make her maiden trip with her new car to the city.

I’m kinda excited because I never go anywhere without PB for the last 11 yrs – so a day trip by car is a great way to start becoming independent again. Plus I’m sure PB can handle both the store and Chloe for a day – maybe will ask Grammie to come help, I’m pretty excited actually – hahah! silly me eh. For someone who had traveled the world for work – this to some may be amusing – but yes ! it’s the first time I’m going outta the town without PB or Chloe.