Time Out Tips

While many mothers would say – that they are not like other mothers and only write the good things about their kids and never the bad ones – i too understand that Chloe is not all sweet and angelic. But having said that – Chloe is often good more than naughty and if she was naughty – we often see it as she wants attention more than being bad. And I hear you all – mummies and daddies out there – we have a living to make and we have commitments to work – in order to bring in the bread and butter.

My own mother had to work 6 days a week – and i think because of that we were never really closed – and I’m truly sad about it too. So for Chloe – even though we own our own store and can have her with us all the time – we too have to work. And like all kids – they never get enough attention and they act out – Chloe does that sometimes too.

Up to last October – it was only the babysitter who has given chloe time out – so we are pretty newbie when this time out thing is concern. And if you hear PB going ” Cut it out!” when we are out with chloe – that’s because he is the disciplinarian in our relationship. But like PB said – although the standard is a min per year of age – it is not meant to punish the kid – when you give your kid a timeout – it is to help regain control and if she won’t sit still during time out – it’s ok – because she knows that there are consequences.

Another tip is to track when your kid is having a tantrum or breakdown – did she get enough to eat and nap time? if she was hungry – or even if she wasn’t feeling good – but what if your child has a meltdown in the mall ? Chloe only did it once – in her entire life – but what would you do? We turned right around and send her home – just once – and it never happened again. My time out tips? never to shout at your kids – in public or at home – time out first – reason later and explain the consequences. Any tips to share? mommies and daddies out there?

Dressing Up For Summer Camp

As you all know – Chloe is in summer camp now – at least 4 days a week – and this year – we see a lot of difference in Chloe and her summer camp. How so ? last year – she won’t go to any camp without the babysitter – this year – she doesn’t wanna miss camp. This summer camp is also very far and as you all know we bring her in late and bring her out for lunch and then send her back for play time with other kids. Plus – they also play dress up at Summer Camp – so i stopped doing my review on phentramine and helped her pick up the dress and accessories for her dressing up day tomorrow.

Can you guess what the theme is? Yes – is a Blast from the Past – back to the 70s. So we tried many dresses ( from her Kai Mah *godmother* in Singapore) and her hair do too – thanks to Auntie Jenny from Down Under who sent her the polka dot scarf to be used as a hair band. I told Chloe how lucky she is – because during my time – my mother had no time to play dress up with us. But how can one blame her when she was the only one bringing the bread home – and looking after 4 kids with no help. I still cannot fathom why my mother would have so many – even though my father refused to help with the first and second one. Parents who does that – are so irresponsible – if you cannot give the best and your time to your kids – you shouldn’t have any.

Even though we send Chloe to summer camp – we still bring her back for lunch, therefore, it doesn’t make for such a long day for Chloe and it sure doesn’t make me feel guilty like i’m farming her out. Even when we do send her to her grandparents it is only because we want her to bond with her grandparents and that she will be safe there. I’m glad I waited for the right person to come along to have Chloe – else i might not have end up with someone who would help with Chloe too – now that would have been too devastating for me. What about you? does your spouse help? did you have kids with the right person..??

Summer Fest 2010

So Canada’s Day is over and we are waiting for Seafest 2010 to begin – which is in the middle of this month. So far the weather had been hot and humid and doing my nuphedragen reviews can take a while because with the heat – i just can’t concentrate much. But yes – Chloe starts summer camp in a few days – and we can only hope that she wants to go there after the first day. You see – previous years – she was afraid – she needed to bring her babysitter a long – which defeats the purpose of training her to be more independent.

This year will be the first summer – we don’t have a babysitter – and yes – we are grateful for all the years our sitter was with us – 4.5 yrs – but Chloe had grown so much 6.5 yrs old now and she really needs to be independent – plus i cannot afford the drama-rama. So yes ! it worked out pretty good when the sitter asked for her separation papers last year in October – when we didn’t have much hours to give her.

Has it been different without the help? Yes – but not very much – because the sitter is always with us – except for nights she brings Chloe home for a few hours to feed her but we managed for the last 8 months and we did pretty good but that’s not to say we are not grateful for the sitter’s help for the last 6 yrs. But it all worked out really good – as you can see – Chloe is a lot more independent and we get to save a bit of money – and in return I don’t need to do so much work online. So yes! have a great summer everyone! if you have a babysitter – good for you – if not – it’s still good.

Summer Camp For Chloe

Summer camp started for Chloe today and i had kept my fingers crossed in hope she would take to camp and that she won’t say she don’t want to go. You see I had it all planned out – 2 days in summer camp – 2 days at Grammie’s and 3 day with us – 2 at the store and 1 at home – that makes a week. We figured that getting her active and out in the sun and fresh air is the best sleep aids we can get – because she will get all the exercise she needs and the interaction with other kids and get to bond with her grandparents.

So she came back from camp today – not without any glitches of course – a little but she still wants to go back tomorrow – woohoo!! so yes – we will send her to day camp tomorrow – since Grammie can’t take her tomorrow. We will wait for the next day to send her to her grandparents then. And if she wants to come home for lunch – she can – it’s already a milestone on Chloe’s part in my opinion.

Summer Holiday Begins 2010

So the summer holidays begin for us here in Canada and tomorrow will be Canada’s day. PB is going to be so busy – he won’t be able to visit enzyte very often because he has to look after the store and also look after Chloe. And yes, we do have plans for the brat – but we don’t know how it is going to go.

Summer camp is in plan – but like the previous years – we don’t know how she is going to take to the summer camp. We planned to send her to her grandparents – but they are very busy in the garden too – and if we send Chloe – they won’t be able to do much because Chloe doesn’t like to be outside. But we had planned to put a trampoline at her Grampie’s but that didn’t happen because her Grampie fears that there may not be a flat plain for the trampoline. In the end, we have it up at our backyard instead. We had bought another bike for her – so she can have one at her grandparents but again, it’s hard to ride on grass and in the end we brought it back – because the neighbour’s kid had theirs out the other day and won’t share with Chloe.

So yes, we did have plans – but like usual even the best laid plans may not turn out the way we want – so we are all keeping our fingers crossed – else I would just have to stop what i do online and take care of Chloe on my own.

First Year In School

So Chloe’s first year in school is finally over – school ended! woohoo!! and she passed and going to Grade 1 next year. Her year in school did not go as smoothly as we’ve hope that it would be – but despite all the boo-ha – i am very proud of our lil’ brat who loves peanut butter cookie that she made with her Grammie.

Her teacher said she was a hard worker and aimed to please and that she has improved tremendously. It is definitely her old school’s lost for not taking better care of Chloe and allowing her to get traumatized by the other boy for so long. We are still watchful even in her new school – but i really think she does like her new school a lot better. At least they donch have parents smoking outside the school while bringing their kids to school or picking them up.

Having A Westerner For A Father

So it is Father’s Day today – how did you all celebrate yours? We had a simple meal in a restaurant and that was it – i didn’t get any thing for PB – we’ll wait till Chloe is older – but Chloe did give something she made at school for her daddy. It was a very cute handicraft. And we headed out to PB’s parents and bought him a bottle of rum.

My own father was never a father to me – in fact – i used to lie to my friends and co-workers that he was dead. Less questionings and no need to tell grandmother stories – much easier. But over here- i made a mistake by telling the truth – thus giving me an excuse to rant about my good for nothing dad.

What is it like to have an “ang moh” – Westerner for a dad? One thing for sure – nothing like the Asian men I know from home – who won’t even change the baby’s diapers when the wife’s hands are full. PB is a very hands on dad – he does most of the major stuff. You see my health haven’t been good – ever since having Chloe. Poor PB is the one who does all the heavy chores and also the responsible stuff – like medication and testing of fever temperature. He makes breakfast for the brat everyday, wakes her up for school everyday and brings her to school everyday and before that – packs up her snack box everyday too.

Back home things are quite different – I never had a father while i was growing up – I chose well – for Chloe’s daddy – and I know that he loves Chloe enough to wipe her poopie even now – or change her or do anything for her. I cannot say that much for my father nor my brothers – who were taught that these dirty work were meant for the wives. Having an “ang moh” for a daddy is certainly a blessing – this one anyways. What about yours?

Honesty In My Child

So we were in school this morning to catch Chloe’s home room teacher to see how, we can meet up with them for their walk about trip and we met the Teacher’s assistant as well. She quickly thanked us for the cake that we had bought for her – last week, in which i had pointed out that it was Chloe’s idea. Well, guess what the Chloe said ” No .. it wasn’t me – i didn’t even know!!” oh mannn!!! hahahahha!!! but it’s the truth – it was an impromptu thing we did – because we had given her home room teacher a potted plant. Chloe is so honest, I better not show her our business credit reports when she is older, else she might just blurt out everything to all the customers at our store. Muahahah!! now that would be embarrassing.

My 6 Yrs Old Is A Sassy Kid!

Yes ! everytime a customer walks into our store – they would say – “ooooohhh! she is too cute!” and my reply? “she’s a brat!” in which everyone laugh. Love my kid more than my own life – i cannot remember the day when i was this sassy with my own mom. I tell yer – my mom had it easy and so did my good for nothing father. My 6 years old is so sassy – i have acne popping up everywhere.. i kid you not. I told PB for Christmas – he needs to get me the best acne treatment!! My 6 yrs old has an answer to everything and an excuse for every thing she wants to do – that we don’t approve.

Did she get sassy overnite..?? or did we teach her to be sassy? in our own unconscious manner – because we deal with some bad customer/s at our store and she overhears us when we talk about them. And the funny thing is – my sassy daughter loses her tongue when she is in school – she is so afraid to do or say anything wrong in school – totally angelic at school. So what gives..??


As I sit and admire my contemporary sofas in my tv room, i cannot helped but also admire the beautiful pictures of a friend – Alexis’s family outing in Vancouver with her beautiful family. You see, Alexis was someone I met thru’ PB’s buddy – they used to date and while they are no longer together -Alexis and I kept in contact. You see Alexis is a very wonderful and lovely looking lady from Singapore and I had took a instant liking for her when i first met her 10 yrs ago. As I look at her happy family – I cannot but feel a tinge of regret for PB’s buddy for not cherishing the relationship and things ended the way it did.

Relationships are hard and I admire the way Alexis ended it – even though they were together for a long time and have a kid together. Alexis is now married and has her own kids with her new husband and he looks like a wonderful person – he is from Sweden. I sometimes wonder if people from the West knows how tough it is for us to uproot just to be with them? do they even know – how much we miss home – the food, the weather, the shopping – everything just to be with them.

Relationships are hard – having a kid together doesn’t mean one must stay with someone who don’t appreciate you. I admire Alexis – for being so strong – even though at that time – she wasn’t with anyone – didn’t have a job and a kid to raise – she call it quits. I don’t know the whole story – but I know relationships are hard and for things to work – both gotta make lots of effort.