Kids Playing Games

As much as i would love to say that we don’t rely on the tv and gaming consoles to keep the kid busy – we do. But having said that – does it make us bad parents? hell no!! mannnn!! when we were kids – we were left alone all the time – to get into trouble – but with Chloe we watched her like a hawk. Sure – we let her play some games but we actively bring her out and make sure she does have activities outside of the store and home to do. In fact, kids these days are so blessed they are given so much opportunities to do so many things – you can’t imagine them living the childhood we did. So if you did let you kids watch a movie or two or play a game or two – so that you can get some work done – don’t beat yourself up eh – because as much as we want to do a lot with our kids – you and I know that there are other things that we too need to do.

Meaning Of Mother’s Day

Many years ago, when I was celebrating Mother’s Day – my mother wanted a bouquet of roses from us and many years ago – we all know that in Singapore a bouquet of roses can come up to a good $60. Of course, $60 isn’t a lot now – when you are working and have the money – but some 25 yrs ago – I couldn’t afford it – but I still did it – because I wanted to make my mother proud. I wanted her to be proud and to be able to tell her friends what she got for Mother’s day.

Now that I’ve become a mother – I know I would never ask for perfumes, going out for dinner nor a bouquet of roses from my spouse nor my kid – why? because you do not measure love this way. Mother’s Day to me is a celebration of the kid who have given me a purpose in my life. Chloe has made me a better person – had she not come along – my life would have been meaningless right now.

While for my mother – it was a kind of safety net for her to have children when she is old – but for me – its about giving life and giving the life that i brought into this world the best. I don’t know what her future holds but i certainly do not want to burden chloe with looking after me when i am old – well – this has yet to cross my mind. All i want for her on Mother’s Day – is for her to grow up healthy and become a good person. The meaning of Mother’s Day to me – is not about me – it’s about doing the best I can for my kid on Mother’s Day.

Migrate To Canada Pros & Cons

Canada is an awesome place – most people are nice – but like everywhere else – there are crooks, scammers, cheaters – well, you get the idea. Like I tell everyone back home and friends from afar – had we not own our own business – Canada would be a wonderful place and this town wouldn’t be so harsh looking and scrutinized that badly by me.

So you heard that health care is free in Canada – yes ! you heard right but if you need prenatal vitamins or any kind of antibiotics – and sometimes – if your doctor had been given favors to recommend certain pharmaceutical medication – you will be paying an arm and a leg for them. And yes – Canada is scenic – but did anyone tell you about the weather here ? It’s May here – and it’s still chilly! Winter can be harsh too – but there are no tornadoes here or earthquakes.

Ok, ok! so you still wanna migrate to Canada – i hear yer! free school for children – yes ! but like all public system in any part of the world – free means – not enough teachers to go around and if you are in the city – there are private schools but that would mean you have to work 24/7 or be in a high paying job or filthy rich.

I get asked this often – is it hard to migrate to Canada? I don’t really think so – Canadian immigrations have a few plans for those considering their migration – as for me – i came as a visitor and then became a permanent resident with my spouse sponsoring me – and of course – don’t forget you have to pay to apply to migrate here and take all your medicals here – like x-rays- blood test and an immigration doctor has to see you . Thereafter, you can apply for citizenship after 5 yrs. I’ve heard horror stories about immigration before – but in my experience with the Canadian immigration – they were nothing but nice to me – always helpful and insightful. If you heard stories of given a hard time – that must mean that there were problems with the application – I doubt Canadian immigration is out to get the colored people or biased in any way. I’ve always been treated with respect – be it a phone call or letter writing – so there you have it.

Me & My Bike

Hunting for the ride bike has been my mission for a long, long time. I use the excuse of not getting the right bike to NOT exercise with PB – when he goes on his bike rides in the summer – how convenient eh. So while i wanted to stay home and do my apidexin reviews, he insisted that we go look for a bike at the local store in town. But of course, this time i didn’t have any excuse no more because – they did have a cruiser in store. Lovely bike isn`t it – it will sure motivate me to bike in my new lovely bike – hahah!! PB said no more excuses now – i hope with this bike – i will get in shape this time – wish me luck eh..!! hahaha!! i`m lazy – i know!!

Abusive Relationships

As I sit and write this – I cannot but feel as heavy-hearted as the stone sink we bought – for all these women/friends who have/have had abusive relationships and still continues to be abused as I write. As clear as paper to you and I – they seems to not see it – that they need to leave such abusive relationship. And as a friend – you want to help them by talking some sense into them – but where do one begin especially when they are just friends.

I’m grateful that I’ve found someone who would never be abusive towards me or my child – but I cannot say the same for some of the men – we have back home – for I myself – have seen abusive relationship myself. My sister’s ex-husband was an abusive man too – not only was he verbally abusive – he was physically abusive too. But no matter what i said or how i tried to help – she never left him – till she met another men. I was young then – and didn’t think it was right that she was having an affair when she was still married – but now that I’m 45 – well, i see it altogether in different light. I am not saying it was right but if it’s the only thing that would save your sanity then do it!

Pencil Holding

And here we go again … ! *sigh* .. same old .. same old .. with chloe’s new but old school. I think they need help to weigh the more important things that they need to concentrate on. I know where they are coming from – and I know Chloe does have an odd way of holding her pencil – but why stress the kid out when she had already informed them that she was comfortable with the way she was writing. Encouragement is the key to good teaching not? But the school haven’t approached us personally – it was just Chloe coming home all stressed up during the weekend about how one of her teachers wanted her to hold the pencil the way they want and she didn’t get to write nicely. She was pretty upset about it because this kid of mine – aims for perfection. And yes, we are aware of it – it’s painful to look at the way she holds her pencil – we are not slacker parents – we just want her to learn at her own pace.

Chloe’s Special Friend

So we went to school early today and we even managed to go on our treadmill before leaving for school. We saw one of Chloe’s classmate and I had asked Chloe to say “hi” but instead of doing so – she was very upset about it and told us defiantly that her friend would not understand her. We were shocked and tried to reason with Chloe but she would not take our explanation that even if her classmate understands differently from her – it’s ok to say “hi” to her. Chloe didn’t let it go and insisted that her special friend was being bad – because she ran outta class one day and made the teachers panic. We didn’t pursue it then because it was time to get into class – but we had to make it a point to explain to her about this special friend and that she needs to be more tolerant and that what she said can hurt her friend’s feelings and those of her parents who were right behind us. So when she came back from school today – we sat her down and explain that she had to be kind to her all her friends and even if she has a friend who is different – it makes no different and she needs to learn to be kind – because it’s not nice to call a fat person fat. How much did she understand it? we don’t know but we will keep monitoring and making sure she knows she needs to be kind.

Racism In Canada

My girlfriend from Hong Kong who is planning a trip to visit me this summer for supplements – asked me about how the “ang mohs” treats me here in Canada – if there was racism in Canada. I had replied that – there is no more than any other places and that the people are generally ok – and treated me with respect – I think more so because we own our own business and they sorta see me as a respectable figure – albeit the fact that I’m still the Crazy Chinese Woman in Canada – HAHA!

But I’ve spoken too soon – when I was reminded of the hate crime – so widely publicized recently about a Nova Scotia woman who awoke to the sight of a burning cross on her lawn and then her car was torched. And then last nite a customer of the store was told off on Facebook to “F” off and “F” back to China by someone who apparently lived in our midst – in our community. I do not know this person but I’m truly shocked to see such behavior and the fact that no one stood up and speak up for this customer. Everyone thinks it was a joke !!! I’m indeed shocked – and here i sit thinking – Chloe looks very Asian – what happens if this happen in school when she grows up or when she is out at the mall? Hate crimes and racism shouldn’t be taken lightly – i spoke to PB about it – and of course – he wasn’t too concerned because it was an isolated case – but i’m thinking ahead and trying to be pro-active and prevent what will happen in the future. What would you do in my shoe? would you be like the rest of the 7000+ members on FB and ignore it because it wasn’t you it was directed to? or would you speak up?

Speech Therapy

So we were at school early today and I chatted with Chloe’s home room teacher about how she was coping in school. She said Chloe was doing well – but there were some words that Chloe don’t seems to be able to pronounce and recommended that we let Chloe see a speech therapist in the school. It’s free – all we have to do is to sign the consent form. I agree that there are some words that Chloe don’t pronounce properly – but she is only 6 and technically – this is the first year she is in real school. When she was in pre-school – Miss Tish had said she understood Chloe perfectly and that we didn’t have to worry.

Frankly speaking, we really don’t mind – if Chloe do get extra help right? but it’s Chloe we are worried about – because remember her French teacher ? who put her in special class for everything? I’m afraid that it might evoke some unpleasant memories for Chloe thus making her fear going to school again – that’s our only concern. So as much as we wanna get that extra help – we are gonna sit it out this year and wait for next year – before we do anything. What are you thoughts?

TV = Babysitter?

Guilty as charged! shame on us – i know – but yes – we do use the tv as the babysitter for Chloe and i’m sure all of you are not different too. Even though we try to argue that we put on only good shows or education shows for our kids – it’s time not to depend on the tv too much. Chloe is at the age – where she is bored when left alone – she can only watch a new show once – and then she won’t go back to it for a long time – well – except for Hannah Montana. So this year – we’ve enrolled her to lots of stuff – from hip hop dancing to reading classes at school and now that she is willing to go to her Grammie’s – it’s even better. So this summer – I don’t have to fret no more to send her to summer camp or look for a sitter for her. This summer – Chloe can be outdoors with Grammie & Grampie planting peas and strawberries and go to the beach with Aunt Helena. It is definitely a milestone for Chloe – I’m hoping to see more independence – thus the reason for all these extra classes – instead of a one to one sitter.