Growing Up

It felt like it was just a few months ago, that I had given birth to a lovely baby girl but yesterday, she told us at her grammie’s place that her teeth were loose, she was all panicky and we had to explain to her that it wasn’t gonna be right quick. Her grandmother did a better job in explaining why her teeth were dropping off – she told Chloe, it was because she was growing up. So here I am sitting and on this website, I can’t help but think how much more we have to learn – to bring Chloe up properly. PB and I are first time parents – we wouldn’t have known to say something so intelligent .. hahhahaha!! yes.. live and learn. Yes.. we are very excited.. but on the other hand.. not looking forward to Chloe complaining she finds it hard to eat – my growing up baby. How we all wished they would stay this cute forever eh.

Upbringing Differences

When I was growing up – watching my classmates parents hovering over them and bringing them lunch and snacks – makes me so inferior because my mom could never do that – because my mom was a working mom. My mom don’t even have time for day creams, much less try and go to school and peep at me during recess them. I’ve always thought that with my own kid, I am gonna do all the things that my mom couldn’t do for me – not of any fault of hers of course. But you see things are quite the different now – these days the school and teachers do not encourage the parents to be helicopter moms at all. Coming to school to watch your kid – does not make your kid a “special” kid – in fact – she could be taunted and laughed at for being such a baby.

But i’m not ashamed to let her teachers and principal know that I’m a helicopter mom – because that was the way i wasn’t brought up – and because of that – I don’t want to miss out on things that my mom missed out. I not only wanna be there when she wins a trophy – i wanna be there for everything. The school may have their rules and expectation but Chloe was brought up quite differently – she is a girl who tells me .. yer’re too awesome mom..!! just because i let her have an extra piece of chocolate.

Grouchy Much DaddT?

Chloe doesn’t know how to spell Daddy – but she knows how to spell Dad – so if she wanted to write a note to Daddy – she spells it DadT – pretty creative eh..?? I thought so too. Chloe is a delightful child – I cannot ask for anything more but for good health for the kid. Of course, she can be a pain at times – but which kid isn’t eh..?? I try to explain to “ang moh” that his tone when he talks to the kid must not sound like he has joint pain, because that would only make the kid thinks that he is either upset, mad or worst – make her feel like she is a pain.

A kid will always be a kid – and if he/she doesn’t misbehave once in a while – you better be very careful because deep down inside – psychologically, i bet there is something wrong.. hahahha!! I lose it sometimes too.. but the kid knows that when i do – it’s because she had been really bad. I am usually very calm.. and when i scold her.. it’s in chinese – but that doesn’t mean that I am calm .. i just make an effort to stay calm and neutral tone .. even when i am agitated. Effort is needed as parents – to ensure you send out the right signal to your kid. I never want my kid to grow up .. thinking that her mother is crazy.. and her father is a grouch – neither do i want her to think that she is not wanted in our life – just because she gets naughty a few hours a day. Because no matter what – you wanna build self confidence not to the extend that your kid turn into a bully at school lah. But yes, a balance is required .. and effort must be taken – if you want kids or have kids.

Blame It On Mama!

We barely got outta the Christmas break and Chloe had gone back to school for a few days and had gotten sick with a head cold. We had kept her home for a few days – just to be sure, unlike previous years whereby we were in a hurry to get her back to school – so she doesn’t miss out on thing and have a hard time catching up. Anyhow, she was better already but we have been waking up late – not only because the lil’ brat doesn’t wanna sleep but we as parents too don’t sleep early enough, I told the “ang moh” i would be needing the best acne treatments really soon .. if we continue to refuse to turn in.

So yes, the kid is late for school for 2 days – the “ang moh” grouchy every morning because the kid wouldn’t hurry and eat faster – but can you really blame the kid? NOPE! it’s more our fault – because we are adults and not a kid. So when the kid is late for school even if she was 5 mins late – we have to write a note for her. Yesterday – the kid came home and told me that the teacher had said – “hurry! chloe! you are late” in which i replied – “tell your teacher it’s mama’s fault – she woke up late”. This morning, we were late – i wrote a note to her teacher and in it – it said ” please excuse chloe for being late because we woke up 30mins later than usual – it’s entirely our fault – not the poor kid’s!”

So parents – don’t blame the poor kid and be honest – that’s the moral of the story – don’t be afraid to own up because you want to show the kid – that honesty is the best policy.

Kid With Conscience or A Good Head On Her Shoulder?

The other day, I turned around while going on the treadmill and Chloe had just finished her dinner and trying to get to some stuff besides the computer table. She was quietly doing something behind me .. and when i turned around.. i saw her using a eraser from the back of her pencil rubbing it against the wall. The first thing that came into my mind was the kid must have been drawing on the wall – so I asked her .. “what are you doing?” .. i wasn’t shouting or anything.. but it made her jumped.

She quickly screeched and said “it was an accident .. mom..!!” in which i replied .. drawing on the wall isn’t an accident !” In which she replied – “i was trying to pick up something .. and my pencil slide on the wall and it marked the wall a little – i was just trying to clean it. I wasn’t drawing on the wall! i would never do that”

That actually set me thinking – actually – even when Chloe was very young, she never drew on the wall. She did put stickers on my coffee table though – but nope she didn’t jump on our couch nor our bed .. or even when Sarah invited her to jump on her bed .. when they had a playdate – she had said “no thank you” .. and when i asked her why she didn’t .. she had explained that it wasn’t very nice. So yes, we’ve raised a kid with conscience ? or a good head on the shoulder? I can’t complain eh.

2010 Is Finally Here !

So the year 2009 has come to an end.. and 2010 is here finally. Should i say finally? well, kinda! although we did pretty good overall for the store, especially the last few months, after we put everything into perspective – I have to say personally – we were a bit stretched. But in 2010, we looked into email archiving services for my food blog because I have way too many fans/friends there.

Well, in 2009 – chloe started with a new preschool – right up to the summer holiday. She then went to summer camp both at the Y and the Youth Center but both didn’t work out well, because she wanted to bring her sitter a long – which defeats the purpose of helping her to be more independent. We did go for a short break last year to the city but it was way too short. Then Chloe started school in her new school – and we had to let her sitter go (we didn’t have enough hours for her). Follow by the kid bothering my Chloe and then she came down with a bladder infection – and the many meetings with the school to try and settle chloe in nicely.

During Chloe’s winter break we managed fabulously and even went for different events with family and friends. We also managed to get all our Christmas shopping done for Chloe’s friends and for our customers. Plus we are darn proud that we made a huge contribution to Chloe’s school. For this year, I’m hoping to take more care of our health and spend more time with Chloe. My new year’s resolution ? Bo Chup!

Merry Christmas

So Christmas came and went.. and nope.. i didn’t get any Grohe faucets from Santa.. hahahha!! guessed i wasn’t being really good eh. So how was your Christmas.. ? were you naughty or good..?? As I sit here .. and reflect on the things that went on this year.. i cannot help but thank God for all the good things.

I was chatting with my g/f just this morning .. and yes.. there are some stuff that didn’t make us really happy .. or went the way we wanted.. .but our lives is in our hand.. and it’s up to us .. to make even the bad things positive.

For example, what happened to Chloe in school – I’m not happy it happened.. but it’s good it did at this point.. when it is something we can control and stop immediately. Had this not happened.. it could have been worst.. when she was older.. and it might be a lot more devastating – but for now, we became more cautious and tell ourselves to be vigilant always. So yes, life is not all smooth sailing .. but heck, if you wanna stay and wallow .. and mopped around the house about it.. then you will be miserable… as for me.. we were mad.. but we got passed that stage.. and moved on. Life is too short for the nonsense – what about you?

That’s Grampie with Chloe – hard to get good pictures of both. But i’m happy that Chloe is willing to give even Uncle Richard a hug.

Bring It On .. Winter..!

While someone I know is not having much success with his job search, we had our tires changed to winter tire this afternoon. The tire shop was darn busy – there was no short of work there. Yes..! they were darn expensive.. close to $700 for the 4 winter tires after taxes.. but not much one can do.. especially if you don’t know what winter is gonna be like from year to year.

We had to change it .. because the all seasons one that we’ve just put new this year – was skidding so back during the last snowfall a few days ago, i was really afraid. Plus, we are heading to the city for my eye doctor’s appt in the New Year – more so must make sure the tires are somewhat good ones. So .. i feel safe tonite.. when we were on the road. Bring it on Winter..!!!

Happy 6th Birthday Chloe !

Dear Chloe,

You turned 6 years old today! a few minutes from now 6 yrs ago, you were born in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia – Canada. 6 years ago, mama never thought we had the ability to raise you to this age, you were so tiny – my princess. You brought tears to my eyes everytime i watched you sleep – because you are nothing less than a miracle, just like getting Blue Cross NC in the States.

We are continuously learning new things from you and also learning how to be better parents/person so that we can set good examples for you. You are a wonderful, sweet and thoughtful little gal but you can sometimes be a P.I.T.A – but we love you always.

This year, you started your school year in a new school, you are doing so well and if not for the lil’ boy who keeps bugging you – i think you love your new school too. Your home room teacher had to be on sabbatical because her father was really ill, so your relieve teacher who is new and a man don’t really know stuff about girls eh. But never mind we are constantly reminding him that girls are different from boys.

This year, we also had to let your babysitter of 4.5 yrs go because you are already old enough not to need one, plus mama needs to teach you more school stuff after you come home from school and during the weekends. Since mama don’t get to spend a lot of time with you during the weekdays because you are going to school now, it’s better mama look after you – and cook proper food for you.

You’ve changed so much, taller, more independent and can pretty much do a lot of things on your own. But you can get quite demanding at times, so we have to work on that more. We love you but we don’t want you to grow up to be a brat. You are still very thoughtful and never ask for presents or toys when we go shopping and most times you do behave yourself – it is only at the store and when there are customers that you get naughty at times.

Mama is just very happy to surround you with good play dates and friends and the many activities we’ve planned for you since this year. Hopefully, we can go back to swimming soon after the H1N1 thing blows over. You are still doing your dancing and next year you start Karate classes – which we think is essential because of how this town is.

You are our love and our life and all we want is for you to be happy and healthy. Mama

Rudolph At Our Lawn

This year our lawn looks a lot brighter! as you all know, ours is a new house therefore, there is no huge tree or plants around. Thanks to Chloe’s Grampie – who made us our own Rudolph and gave some Christmas trees to stick out on our lawn to put on some lights. So yes, we pretty it up .. and it’s not even all lighted up .. because we still have yet to go out and buy more lights.

One of the rudolph even has a red nose – grampie put a red bulb onto it – hahhaha!! the photo doesn’t do it justice.. because it looked a lot nicer with snow .. and all.

PB putting on lights on the christmas tree, so yes .. i’m pretty happy with the lawn this year – because our moose didn’t stand up to the wind – the wind seems to be getting worst every year.