Bladder Infection

We had been really busy for the whole week – not only with birthday parties.. but Chloe had gotten sick from a bladder infection .. and a cold. Luckily, it was all within a week and she is all better today.. but we had kept her away from others.. since we didn’t want anyone to catch her cold. But nope.. she doesn’t have H1N1 – so don’t go spreading rumors now.. hahhahaha!!! it was just a common cold.

But my purpose of writing this is to let parents with small kids like mine know that if your kid complains that her peepee is burning .. when she pees.. do not wait.. but go straight to the doctor.. or in our case emergency room. We had waited.. for a day.. because she had complained about this before.. and it just went away the last time. But to see our family doctor .. who was leaving on that week .. wasn’t the most ideal situation .. but he did prescribed anti-biotics after a urine test.. and she felt better only the next day.

Had we not waited.. she wouldn’t have to wait for 3 days before getting the anti-biotic, she was in so much pain – it was horrid. Therefore, parents, if your kid has a burning sensation or itches.. go to the doctor like NOW!

Working Online & Get Rich!

Many of you already know that I do some work online.. and many had written to ask me if it was a lucrative job. They also wanna know.. all about the Get rich advertisement.. that google pays $176/hr… hahhaha!! and asked if it was true. I’m sure you too have seen ads about such and many of you are tempted. But let me warn you .. that many work at home companies will scam you .. if you are not careful.

Just so you know.. the people we work for .. have never asked us to pay for membership.. nor put money upfront. So if you are approached by someone to work online.. but you have to pay for a course fee.. or materials.. to make money online.. then it is 100% it is a scam. Be careful .. because unless you are John Chow, you are not gonna be rich – donch get me wrong.. i make decent pocket money.. but not many people can do what i do..and have the dedication and time. So be careful .. ! i know you wanna make a few bucks.. but there is no get rich scheme.. in working online.

Doctor Situation

We’ve always had a doctor situation here in our town. Doctors come and go.. when they sorta finished their contract here.. and they move to greener pasture. But how to blame them right..?? afterall, what is there here.. for them..??

A check with other clinics in town .. that we had put our name in for waiting list today.. didn’t looked good at all. Looks like other doctors were leaving too. Like i said.. i don’t blame them .. but did they really have to do it all at the same time..?? the 1000s of ppl here left without a family doctor!!! Darn these doctors.. and you think they are supposed to be serving the ppl for a greater cause. Oh well..!! so the emergency room again .. we have to go.. and with the H1N1 situation.. one donch even know what to think. I just hope that our next doctor don’t turned out to be insensitive and the secretary isn’t the same either – now that would sux big time. But in the meantime, i need to stay positive.. and look forward to a better doctor.

PS : PB has an appt with his family doctor in the next few days.. and i had asked him to go beg his family doctor to take Chloe in .. hahhaha!!! like go on his knees if he needs to.

All About The Cold

People often wonder how we stand the cold here in Canada.. especially someone like myself, who comes from a place where it is sunny 365 days a year.. or rather .. we say .. we don’t have any season, it’s summer every day.. and every season. Well, we do get the rain.. and the storms.. but they don’t really last too long, it’s usually very humid and dry where i come from. The place i come from is an island but a city and a country, very modern but no place for a motorhome nor motorhome towing services. But everything is as high tech as it can get. Don’t believe me..?? just google – Singapore and you will know where i come from.

Although, we come from a very advanced country, our upbringing is very much backwards, because my forefathers and parents are very traditional people. The believed in a lot of superstitions and the 3rd kind.. if you know what i mean. And some of the things that may not sound logical to the “ang mohs” .. we kinda grew used to it.. and practiced it even without really, really believing in it. Better safe than sorry..??

Like the cold weather for example, my mom used to make us dressed really warm coz’ she said.. else you are gonna get sick. But truth be told, you and i know that one gets a cold from virus in the air. But having said that.. when one is cold as compared to the other warm person, the colder person is more susceptible to getting sick quicker as study had shown. Even though I myself know that not keeping warm isn’t the real reason .. for getting sick, i still used it on Chloe and tell her strictly, ” you wanna get sick is it..?? quickly put on your scarf and keep your neck warm!” so you see .. even though we said.. we would never be like our mom.. we are like mom.. muahhaha!!! but yes.. one don’t get a cold .. if you don’t keep warm.

New Phone


PB had been using his old model phone for like 5 yrs now, the phone still works.. but the face plate, well, lets just say.. it doesn’t wanna come on when it should.. and the battery don’t last too, too long either. His old model was a Samsung .. but like any responsible adult.. one don’t just go out and buy stuff .. when you want to.. or feel a need for change. Well, unless of course you are rich lah.. muahahha!! which we are not… although some may think otherwise.. but really we are NOT..! Anyhow, he was looking to change his old model and was looking at the many cell phones they have at Rogers (local phone shop here).

And since we know the manager of the store.. and he recommended this new Nokia model .. and it really didn’t cost PB a lot of money .. just a contract of 3 yrs which is the norm here.. but we figured there is no harm.. because we’ve always had this # even before i came to Canada. So how do i feel about his new cellphone..?? it’s a cellphone .. muahahhaha!! these days.. beside my laptop.. the rest .. well, you can say .. i only use them when absolutely necessary.

Protecting Your Kids


I’ve often wonder how some parents would allow their young kids to roam the streets on their own. I’ve often wonder .. what these kids are gonna grow up to be. I’ve also often wonder if putting chloe in this school is the right decision but having said that.. we really had no choice.. because it’s zone accordingly, there are no free directories, like in other parts of Canada.. where you can send your kids to a private school if you can afford it.

As a parent, I sometimes wonder – how does these kids survive ..?? how do these parents do it..?? Very often, i hear of parents going out for the nite.. and having a party.. with just about anyone coming to their homes. Yes, I’ll have to admit .. i’m not that popular .. neither is PB. We have very little friends.. and we like it this way. Why..?? mostly, it’s because we are very busy.. and secondly, the investing on the time can be very stressful at times.

As parents, we want our kids to be in the “good crowd” .. but is there a “good” crowd..?? Even the doctor’s kids can bully another doctor’s kid in high school – according to reliable sources. So how do one protect your kids..?? you can’t be with them 24hrs a day.. they have to go to school right..?? Something came to our attention last week about Chloe and one of her school mate – lets just said.. kids can be evil too. As parents, creating awareness is very important. As parents, it’s utmost important to listen to your kids and spend time daily to chat with him or her. It is very important to be there for him or her.. when they need you.

I’m glad that i’m spending more time with Chloe these days.. else i may not have found out what happened of late at school. Of course, as a parent, i do not wish this upon anyone.. therefore, I’m telling all parents out there.. that there are some kids who comes from “different” type of family, therefore, it’s important for you to be vigilant, it’s important that as parents.. we have to open our eyes and ears.. and gently bring across awareness. Working and gaming is important.. but nothing is more important then your kids, should anything happened to your kids.. and you could have prevented it.. by spending less time at work.. and gaming, you would lived to regret it. So dads .. who are into gaming.. spend more time with your kids.. and less them on the computer or console systems.. and moms.. less facebook.. and more time with your kids too. Don’t lived to regret it.. because they are only this age once.



Owning a business.. and having a kid.. doesn’t really make much room for indulging on yourself. I, for one.. cannot bear to buy imitation stuff.. nor inferior quality stuff – don’t get me wrong, not that .. i’m so “atas” .. it’s just me.. if it’s not quality stuff.. i rather.. not get it. But when i saw this recently at Mark’s Warehouse, I just knew i had to get it.. because it was made of real leather .. and so soft. A lot more pricier than most of my gloves.. but i bought it anyways.

So why am i indulging now..?? For the last few weeks, I had been kept busy taking care of Chloe and working out a routine.. so that I can be at the store.. and come home with her .. when she is done school. Now that we are pretty comfy with our new routine, i can now relax a little and pamper myself too. With our new routine.. I don’t have to spend so much time online .. so it works out for Chloe, since she needs more help with her school work now. So from now on.. i can indulge myself .. a little every month .. muahahahha!!! i’m eyeing on something from Etsy .. for Christmas.. but i can’t decide yet.. because whenever i am buying something for myself.. i need to keep checking that it’s the one i really one .. before buying them – what about you ..??

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day is tomorrow.. did you all noticed a poppy on my header..?? check it out.. and let me know.. if you see it. Happy Remembrance Day .. everyone..! Lest we forget..! be grateful.. ppl..!



Like any good parents, we noticed things as soon as it happens – just like when Chloe comes back from school with not one .. not two.. but several bruises every week. It almost seems like she gets new one.. even before she had time to fully recover from the last few bruises. Of course, many parents are gonna say.. kids do that… and i most certainly agree with you 100% but that does not mean.. that you let it go.. or ignore it. I never take things like that lightly .. because as a mom. .you have to stay on top of things all the time.

A check with Chloe.. she exclaimed she didn’t know when or where she bruised herself.. but she knew they were from school – i had no doubt about it. So i am taking a picture of the bruises.. and bringing them to the school.. to show her principal or teachers .. that way maybe, they will look out for Chloe more. What would you do..?? if you were I…?? donch forget i’m the helicopter mom… hahahhaa!!

Don’t Tell Your Mom

As you all know.. i’m spending a lot more time with Chloe these days, well, truth be told even when we had a babysitter, she was pretty much with us in the store.. with her babysitter.. except for the few hours.. they leave for home twice a week. Or when we had errands to run – so we do encourage Chloe to tell us anything and everything.

So the other day, she came home from school.. and outta no where told us that one of the teacher’s aid told her that .. she doesn’t need to tell her mama everything.. and to go to them.. if she had any problems.. made me frown a little. Oh .. don’t get me wrong.. i’m sure.. the teacher’s aid meant well.. but you know .. Chloe is only a kid.. and they really have to explain .. what exactly, she doesn’t need to tell us.. and in what situation.

Kids at that age is very impressionable.. and i’m afraid.. that Chloe or some other kids.. who might have been told the same.. might end up not telling anyone about anything.. should they get bullied outta school.. or not within the school compound. Or worst.. if they were abused at school by a teacher.. are they not supposed to tell anyone..?? or tell on the teachers who abused them..?? like i said.. i don’t think they meant anything bad – but definition of such must be very, very clearly spell out for the kids.. because if my kid was abused in school – i would definitely want to know. I’m trying not to make a mountain outta a molehill, so i told Chloe and drilled it in her.. that i am her mama .. and i need to know everything.. because there is nothing wrong in telling her mama what happened in school or anywheres. There are a lot of bad ppl out there.. as long as they are not family .. you trust no one.