Teaching Honesty In Kids


A few weeks ago, I read online from another blogging mummy’s blog that her daughter was fibbing about something that happened in school. Of course, in an adult eyes – it was a really small matter and one cannot understand why she wouldn’t tell the truth. That actually set me thinking for a bit – but when i found a play toy in chloe’s water bag on a Saturday afternoon – after she came back from bowling – i too jumped into conclusion that my chloe might have liked the toy so much, she had forgotten to give it back to her friend at the bowling alley.


So she had just gotten back to the store.. and washing her hands to get ready for a snack, when i quickly asked her where she had gotten the mirror an comb from..?? She replied “Macdonalds” .. and I asked “Reallly..?? ” She replied ” Yes, REally..!” .. and then PB turned around and said yes.. it came with her happy meal she had. So anyways.. i said ok.. and thought nothing of it.


But come Sunday… outta the blue and nowhere – Chloe sat on my lap and asked me about the mirror again. She asked me “mummy, did you think i took the mirror and come from someone?” – I stopped for a second .. and carefully answered her – afterall, I didn’t wanna let on that I thought my daughter did something like that right..?? or that I thought badly of her. So i replied that i didn’t think she took it from someone but i didn’t want anyone lil’ girl to be missing them.. and become sad. In which she replied : “mummy, i would NEVER do something like that ! i would NEVER take someone else’s thing.” My head hanging really low .. and my heart went out to my daughter.. and at that moment.. i promised her – that i would never think something of her that way. So parents.. as much as we wanna teach honesty to our kids.. and bring them up well – remember.. be very careful how you bring across your questions. I now know when my mom asked me “ridiculous” and “belittling” questions – she was trying to bring me up proper – but it sure didn’t sit well on me either. Be careful how I bring across my message or questions to my kid.. else she is gonna not wanna tell me anything .. or share anything with me .. when she is older.

Only Auntie Kai Mah Can Buy Dresses Now?


So i saw a dress on sale on Facebook and it was so cheap.. you wouldn’t even believe how cheap it was. So when Chloe came home.. i showed her the dress – she asked why we bought her a dress and PB replied if there must be a reason .. to buy her a dress. And she replied.. “Is this from Auntie Kai Mah..?? ” In which, PB replied.. ” so now only your auntie kai mah can buy dresses for you?” … muahahhahahaa!!! I guess you can’t blame her for thinking such .. afterall, Auntie Kai Mah bought a a full wardrobe of dresses. Even today.. a mother of her classmate commented that Chloe have the nicest dresses and outfit in the entire school. Yes ..! chloe is loved by so many people – not only Auntie Kai Mah.

Raise A Great Kid


My mom used to say.. that raising a kid is like doing acne treatment often – they are a pain but I do not agree with my mom. Afterall, kids are gifts from God no..?? I was in the hospital keeping Mrs Zhu company during her delivery.. and the gal in the next room who was 17 and her boyfriend was 18 and without a job – now this is what scares me a lot about this town. I don’t want my kid to have a kid at 17 or even 18 – hell, she ain’t gonna have any kids till she is 30 .. if i have any say in it. But as you can see, even the best family and the best parents in this town do encounter this kind of problem.

You would think that at this time and age, no one should have an unwanted pregnancy .. and bring a baby into this world with such ill prepared intentions.. albeit not an evil one. But really..???!!!!?? How does one raise a great kid..?? I wanna know it too.. if you know how. Is it the parents..?? the upbringing..?? the friends.. ?? the peers..??? or the education system..?? or the water ..?? You tell me.. if you know the answer.. because this is not the first time.. i’m seeing teenager pregnancy here.. and it’s not gonna be the last.



So we went bowling on Sunday .. but that’s only because we had a birthday party to attend at the bowling alley. I missed the bowling alley near the Miami beach hotels. where the bowling balls are of normal sizes. The bowling balls here are mini sizes. I had wanted to get Chloe her own pink bowling balls.. but they are like $200+ dollars.. so nah.. not gonna happen.. hahahah!! PB was sore from bowling .. because he hasn’t bowled in such a long time.. hahha!!! See that torn up jeans..?? yes..! torn.. and guess what he said.. when i asked him.. “you going out with your town up jeans..??” In which he replied.. “yes..! it’s sunday.. and i’m gonna wear what i wanna wear”. *slap forehead*.


Of course, chloe loves bowling too.. as you can see. Even though the rest of the kids were eating chips.. and running around.. she was bowling earnestly.

Back To School


So after a week of being sick .. she is finally back to school again. This week, we didn’t have any problems.. *fingers crossed*. In fact, this evening when she came home, she said she didn’t need to bring my photo to school anymore.. because she can use her imagination .. and her memory .. to remember the photo… muahahhahah!!! how cute is that..?? She also went for her dancing class today.. and started on her tap dancing.

Fitting In


It’s funny how as parents.. we think that by getting our kids to take the same kind of activities as their friends.. or the neighbour’s kid is the right thing to do. I for one am trying very hard not to be that “kaisu” mum – in fact, we only put chloe into dancing class, just because we know she loves dancing a lot .. and since winter is round the corner.. it would be something that would keep her active.. during the indoor months.

I had also wanted her to go for swimming lessons like her good friend, Dominic .. but since she said.. she was not ready yet.. that’s alright with me. But she still wants to go for her weekly swim.. at the YMCA .. and that’s fine with me. I know that back home.. my kid would have to be in all sorts of extra-cirracular classes to be at par with her peers.. but this is Canada.. and learning should be fun.. and since we can do this here in Canada.. i ain’t pushing it either. What about you ..?? and your kids..?? what kind of classes does your kid attends..??

Best Vacation Deals

The weather still isn’t that bad for us here .. right now.. but come January and February.. where we are hit worst during the winter months that’s when everyone in Canada wants to get outta the cold .. for some warmth and sun. Like any smart women, we try to get the best vacation deal for the entire family. And what better deals than the All inclusive family vacations.

Lovely beaches and gourmet food and all kinds of water sports – stress free time for yourself and your entire family. Choose to have candle-light dinners for 2 .. or go with the entire family for bbqs and grills. They have so much to offer.. sometimes, i wished we had more time on the island. Check it out yourself.

Then & Now

It was a chilly day today.. and it almost seems like winter is heading our way.. even though it is only September. Sometimes it seems like we don’t even get advance notice that winter is on it’s way! It is not like Old Man Winter passes out business cards! We were out in the mall getting some groceries.. and i was only wearing a light sweater. Many years ago.. you would see me wearing in layers .. of clothes.. but today.. the light sweater was alright .. and i didn’t feel a need for more. Things do change.. and even when i didn’t think i would get use to the cold.. well, guess what..?? i am getting used to it. But donch get me wrong.. because i still donch like the cold weather. But then and now.. yes.. things has changed.

The Birthing Of A Child


I’ve had a busy week, from Chloe being sick.. and recovering.. and then getting sick again.. and afterwhich, I had to help with a friend’s delivery. So welcome.. Baby X – because his parents haven’t named him yet. Baby was delivered on the 17th Sept 2009 @ 1951hrs. I was all the way with his parents.. when he was being delivered. So there is gonna be another classroom furniture for him.. when he is older.. just like his sister.

Seeing his mother go into labour.. for more than 24hrs.. and then had to have a C- section.. after trying so hard.. reminded me of my own birth story.. but mine wasn’t as traumatic as his mother. His mother, Yen was truly a super – trooper .. and didn’t make one sound.. all thru’ those contractions. But baby was delivered healthy.. and he is such a handsome looking boy. Baby and mom was discharged today.. and i had to do some pharmacy run for them.. and finally they are home. Thank God..!! for a safe delivery.

Babysitting Jessica


Chloe had gotten sick again .. this morning.. so we kept her home. I was torn in between going to be with Yen .. in the hospital.. to help her with her new born baby .. or to stay with Chloe. I stayed with Chloe most time.. till Kate came.. and then went to the hospital to visit Yen.


Guess who we found in the hospital with poor Yen ?? Jessica..!!!! oh boy..!!! she was left in the hospital .. with Yen.. and she just had her C- Section. So we brought Jessica back to the store with us.. and babysat her for a bit.. with Kate’s help of course.. and then Kate went over to the chinese restaurant .. and babysat Jessica there.. while i went home with Chloe. Poor Jessica.. and poor PB ..!! having to run up and down.. helping me .. with Chloe.. and Yen. But Jessica was a doll..!