Yelling Much Mom?


Shocking..?? Agree with me..?? or you really think you are not yelling much..?? But once in a while we are all guilty of being the yelling mom .. or even dad – and in my case .. it’s the yelling mom .. and the grouchy dad. But having said all that.. donch beat yourself up.. if you feel right now.. that you had been yelling too much – afterall, we are all human. Yelling feels momentarily self relieving until of course the guilt sets in and then what..?? did the house, you or your child and your spouse restore any calm ..?? Not really .. in fact, sometimes the guilt is so bad, moms like me. .we try and make up for the yelling and what does it teach your kid..?? No prizes for guessing like when i do weight loss supplements reviews. Your kid will continue to not listen and your frustration builds… and you yell again.. and you try and make up to your kid and your spouse. Vicious cycle eh..?? VERY..!!

So we all know yelling is not right. nor does it work.. and yes. .i know you can’t help yourself.. but you can and believe me.. when I say you can.. you can. Why..?? because i’m the classic yelling mom example. There are much quieter ways to make ourselves heard and like always, you have to give your kid more credit .. then you think they deserve in the hearing dept. And yes, they have selective hearing.. but they also do hear you – whether they act on it.. or not is entirely what makes them feel good about themselves too.

Honestly, tell me .. would you listen to your yelling mom or dad..?? I come from an era of yelling moms… and i told myself.. i never wanna be this way with my daughter. Why..?? because when i have a problem.. or encounter any unhappiness.. i know i can never go to my mom.. because all she does is yell at me. Do you want your kid to be this way..?? never come to you ..?? To be cont’d…

Hannah Montana In The Makings


Yes, Chloe is very creative and loves dancing and music – so when PB got me a second hand ipod for my walking sessions, of course, Chloe had to claim it for her own. And she wasn`t gonna have just any headset, it had to be the ones like Hannah Montana with the mouth piece.


So poor PB had to give up his xbox live headset .. and loan it to her.. till we can get time out .. to go get her – which we did during the weekend. The thing about not having a babysitter when you have had one which seems forever is pretty exhilarating. Why..?? because I got to experienced things normally only Kate would get to see.. since she would go out and play with her. But it was darn awesome doing things with Chloe when we didn’t have a babysitter – the re-bonding this way with Chloe made me not want to miss anymore moments like this with her – she is just growing too quick and too fast and moments like this .. donch come back.

Anticipation Angst


We all love our kids.. and we all wanna do what is best for our kids. But hold your horses.. when you think that what works for you .. will work for yours. Like myself, I love to know things in advance.. but that doesn’t mean that it is the best for Chloe as I’ve come to find out from time to time. Even the best intentioned moms can be wrong – like me loving to use Medifast coupons but not for others – but donch beat yourself up.

An example of what happened is this – I’ve always thought that it was best to prepare chloe for any changes or transitions coming up like a dental appt or a doctor’s appt or even a birthday party was the best thing for the child. But I found out that it was actually a mental torture for her – because she would be so worried about the event the minute i tell her.. that she would anticipate that she was gonna be sick or she would be worried about the toilet issue she had before. It seems like the more warning and preparation she had, the more time she had to get worked up for them.

So we tried something else, and instead of preparing her way in advance.. we just hopped into the car .. and told her about it in the car and make light of the whole event. Yes, she did have a few minutes of being stressed but it was definitely much better than a few days of anxious anticipation.

However, I have to stressed that this approach does not work for everybody or every child. Temperament certainly does affect a child’s ability to deal with surprises or changes and different temperaments requires different approaches. For some children little or minimal warning work well, others need more time to prepare themselves. It is often trial and error on the parent’s part to suit your child’s personality.

One also have to remember that children are way smarter than we care to give them credit for. Their concerns about changes and planned events are not based on their own fears but on the feelings they are picking up from the parents. So be careful what kind of vibes you are sending to your kids. And i can prove this .. because if you meet PB .. and see his nonchalant manner.. when he deals with an “ignorant” customer/s – and you look at his parents.. you will understand why. Because unlike myself, PB is the “whateverrrrr” type and in many ways, i hope Chloe will be this way. What about you ..??

Sleeping In Her Own Bed Finally!


Yes..!! a MIRACLE..!! and definitely something to celebrate. 3 nights ago, Chloe started going to her bedroom and went to sleep in her bed.. without having us to carry her to her bedroom after she falls asleep in the tv room. Amazingly, the second nite got easier.. and the third .. she did watch some tv.. but after the show, she brushed her teeth.. and we said our goodnites.. and she went to sleep in her own bed in her bedroom again. Hallelujah..!!! it should get better from now on. So for those out there.. who are like us.. or co-sleeping.. it will come.. there is hope.. and light at the end of the tunnel.. just hang in there.

Snap Out Of It Mom!


I was trying to kill many birds with one stone last nite .. when I got home with the brat. I had to cook her chinese noodles.. but she changed her mind half way.. and wanted wanton noodles instead.


So I had to quickly put away .. the other noodles.. and cooked her wanton noodles instead.. but I kept my cool – since i had a nasty mosquito bite on my thumb.. from the South End park we were at yesterday afternoon. Yes.. i’m allergic to those darn sucking parasites.


So after cooking her food.. i had to cook my bake salmon too.. because i had promised myself.. that I would eat fish twice a week – even if it means .. having my food later.. because the brat wants to play with the neighbour’s kid whenever she sees him outside.. when we come back.


So she sits and eat her food.. and said.. “sorry mom! i just love wanton noodles so much – it’s the best food in the world” .. *roll eyes* what can you do right..??


So while cooking … i had to quickly take my blood sugar count.. for my “good doctor” who said i was getting obese .. and then attend to my fish .. before it gets burn .. and heat up my own noodles again.. since it’s cold by now.


And then i tried to do my shows for my friends .. and also tried to finish some assignments.. from my advertisers .. for my own blogs.. and those of “ang mohs”


And the brat wanted to show me some stuff.. in which i had told her .. in a min .. i’m trying to finish the sentence. And then instead of waiting.. she told me .. “snap outta it mom!! ” because i was looking at the puter so intently. The JOYS OF MOTHERHOOD..!

Seafest 2009


So we were headed to check out some AED, when we realized that the Seafest parade was on – so we were stuck and had to wait for the parade to be over with before we headed out again. As usual.. the Seafest Parade was .. lets just say.. “ahem” and i wouldn’t have missed it.. if we had headed out earlier.


The attempt made by the owners of the floats were excellent.. but i guess with so little resources.. and so little support.. and a lame mentioned on the papers.. wasn’t worth our while to even attempt to do anything for the parade at all. But if everyone thought the same way as us.. i guess our kids would never know any better.


Like i said.. you gotta give them credit.. when credit is due.. they do try. But you and I know .. that the parades back home are way, way gorgeous than these. Maybe, one day, I can bring Chloe back during National Day to watch the floats.


The kids were cute.. but they must be hot and tired by then. The weather wasn’t the best this summer.


Pity those in this kinda costume eh.


Of course, the red hat ladies..!!


And Boston Pizza!

A Touchy Topic

Tonite I bathed the lil’ brat and she asked me some funny questions. But is it really funny..??? or is it normal for a 5.5 yrs old to be curious..?? I guess it should come as no surprises when your child starts asking questions about their body parts or even about where babies come from. Do you think they are just cheeky questions.. and brush it off…?? afterall, we all know our kids are pretty smart and awesome right..?? so what is the right way to approach it..??

At 5.5 yrs old, i have to understand that my brat knows stuff from watching tv.. and from watching us.. and others around her. She asked me in the tub, if she will have big “neh nehs” when she grows up..?? Is it ok.. if she doesn’t have big “neh nehs?” Do I know what she will do if she have big “neh nehs?” .. muahhahha!!!

I cannot help .. but smile and felt really amused by all these questions..?? you must be asking..?? where are all these coming from right..?? well, moms and dads.. this is just the beginning of many more “funny” questions to come. In which, my reply was truthful, simple and straightforward. I replied, yes, everyone will have big “neh nehs” when they grow up and it’s ok.. if she doesn’t have a big one.. and no .. she cannot have milk in her neh nehs .. unless she is pregnant. Hahahahah!!! and to avoid the questions.. is a definite no-no.. because you really donch want her to be asking some strangers about the “neh nehs” questions.

Fruits For Kids


As fussy as the little brat is with her food, my only consolation is she eats a lot of fruits.. like oranges, bananas, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries – well, all the soft fruits. So yes, despite all the trouble, I count my blessings everyday. I celebrate all the good stuff she eats .. and not sweat the small stuff.


See lah..!! cheeky or not..?? she seems healthy enough.. even though she doesn’t eat a lot of meat and sandwiches or hamburger.. or hotdogs.

Wedding 2


So we had another wedding after the first – but you see the brides were twins.. and wanted each other to be their bride’s maid.. so having one after another was the best way to go about it. There were many guests invited and as expected it was a lovely wedding ceremony. Amongst the guests were friends, family and business associate and one was a Seattle personal injury lawyer, a friend of a friend i think. The parents were happy .. and i’m sure very proud of the girls. They are lovely girls and the day Chloe walk down the aisle like these girls.. i would definitely tell PB .. “we did a good job” … but till then.. we still have a long way to go. Congrats .. Ally..!!! I’m so proud of you too..!!

The Surettes


These are PB’s cousins and 2nd cousins.. and aunt. The Surettes are generous folks.. and they are very nice to Chloe and I. As usual.. they let me go crazy with my ranting at times.. but basically they are good ppl .. and the cousins to Chloe .. Nick and Tom – they have grown so much since I last saw them. But the boys are well mannered and good company. We had dinner the day before the wedding .. at the our favorite chinese restaurant in town – the New Century Restaurant. And Mr & Mrs Zhu were so hospitable . .and roasted 2 ducks for us at no extra charge.. and only charged us $12 per pax .. with another 10% discount. Awesome ppl these Zhus are.. !! i cannot ask for better company .. and better friends..! their friendship has been priceless.