My Mr Almost Perfect


When we were on vacation, I bought this cup for PB because it was such a perfect cup.. and describe my almost perfect man. In any relationship, there are the ups and downs.. and of course, we have our fair share of tiff and disagreement. For those who say they never had a tiff or were upset with each other must either be lying.. or still in their first stage of their relationship – you know the “honeymoon” period.

Mr Almost Perfect of mine, does just about everything.. although some of the things.. he is not too keen in doing. But he cooks for chloe and he makes my breakfast and does laundry .. and vacuum the floor and scrub the tub for chloe when she takes a bath everyday. He also gets my medication and place them in the pouch for me. .and test out my new blood sugar machine as well. He loves his games and toys but tries to spend time with me.. by watching shows with me.. even though i know his heart is at the computer desk – thinking of his game there. For those who knows us, you would know that we own our own business.. and the brat doesn’t sleep .. so the only time he can play is late at nite.. and he has to split his time between doing housework, spend time with yours truly and then he can game.

I can’t ask for more nor can I complain.. even though there are times.. i do but overall, our relationship is pretty much on the same pace right now.. and we’ve come a long way – i think anyways.. but the fact that he knows that women are crazy at times.. and ignores it .. when i go crazy.. i think that was the winning combination/solution to our relationship.

The Wedding


So PB’s first cousin got married a few days ago. When i first met them.. they were still kids in school. But i’ll have to say .. the twins are awesome kids.. and grew up to be awesome adults. I bet her parents are proud of her.. and when the pastor asked “who gives her hand in marriage” – her father replied, ” her mother and I” .. I wanna cry..!! I love weddings.. donch you ..??

Vacation With Your Kid


So we have great plans – or so we thought – our plans included many activities and lots of sightseeing. It even involved getting some horse supplements on the way home. But lo and behold, THE KID DONCH WANNA WALK! I never thought this was gonna happen to us – some other kids but never us .. of course, but expect the unexpected. Moment of truth and revelation time! THE KID DONCH WANNA WALK !


There was so much to see at the Halifax Waterfront during the summer but the kid continued whining and wanted to be carried. It was too hot !! the wind was too cold!!! How long more do we have to walk – she would continue asking. Is it normal..??? of course it is..!! she is afterall a kid. I just burst your bubbles didn’t i ..?? about going on vacation with your 5.5 yrs old.. or even 6 yrs old. I bet when she is 9 .. we might still have the same problems. But nevermind, this time we were ill-prepared.. but the next trip.. we have a plan.. muahahahhaha!!!!


No .. no..!! we are not leaving her behind .. that’s for sure.. i can’t lived without her – and she won’t let us go .. that’s for sure. I would be too sad.. to even enjoy my vacation. So what is my plans..??


I am getting a stroller or a wagon with us for the vacation ..!!!! yes.. and if she whines about walking .. we are gonna put her in there.. with lots of sunscreen.. so that we can enjoy our walk.. and sightseeing.


And to make sure.. that there is a play place for her to spend time at .. so that she can get some exercise as well.. and be happy to explore and play with other kids.


She’s happy now.. and so will we .. you think..?? i think it might go better than our last trip. One can always plan .. and hope for the best eh..?? but this time.. i have to remember to bring our sunscreen.

Helicopter Mom


Hi, everyone – my name is MB and I’m a helicopter mom – hahahha!!! funny ..?? i’m sure some of you are now wondering if you are a helicopter mom as well right ..?? Hahha!! fear not.. because as parents – it is our duty to be able to see the truth and admit that this is what we are. Unlike our forefathers, we never admits when they are obviously wrong or made the wrong decision – modern parenting is liberal. We like to be in a learning process and who isn’t right .. ?? in everything we do .. on a daily basis.

I met a parent in Blue Cross North Carolina, who claimed and self professes that she loves her kids with her life and would never do anything wrong by her kids or by anyone. Now when you hear someone talk this way, I would steer clear of this person – hahahha!!! self-righteousness does not sit well with me .. when it comes to parenting.

Anyhow, lets come back to me.. being a helicopter mom. Yes – I have to admit that .. and yes.. i hover over my lil’ brat every chance i get. And even though i want her to learn to be independent – i still send Kate with her to the playground and to the summer camp. Is it wrong to be a helicopter mom..??? like all parents and parenting – in my humble opinion .. no one is right or wrong and nothing is by the book. Certain methods works for one parent but not for another – certain child does good by a certain way and others by another. But having said all the above, a helicopter mom like myself needs to be careful what message i’m sending to my child.

Experts claimed that this trend of hyper-parenting does not go well with the current trend. And over the last 20 yrs or so hyper-parenting is the norm here in the West but it is the same as in the East. I’ve friends who are exactly like myself – so donch beat yourself up if you identify with me.

Why the birth of the bubble..?? I think it’s because we grew up in the era of the more relaxed parenting or rather our parents were very busy at work and trying to put food on the dinner table. So we were left to our own devices and we were told to play outside until the sky turns dark. We pretty much invented our own games and work things out ourselves with our peers, there were no intervention like the ones we do for our kids now.

By the 90s, families are getting smaller – ppl don’t have as many kids like our parents or even forefathers did. They had more money to spend on toys for their kids and with more documented kidnapping and child abuse, there came the era of stay at home moms. Working moms competing with the stay at home moms for the perfect formula to a brighter kid and greater future for our kids.

It is definitely easy to say .. that mothers or parenting should be a relaxing one and when they are ready to do it.. they would. Do I want to be the kind of parent who bragged about my kid and ignore bad behavior because of my hyper-parenting? Bursting the bubbles is hard – but letting go a bit at a time – I can do it. Giving my brat some basis rules and then allowing her to explore, have fun and be herself is important. Although, my kid would never go to the store alone at 5.5 yrs old – I think that is pretty alright.

The Kid Wouldn’t Sleep!


As cute as she may be .. and as much as we love her .. the kid wouldn’t sleep at nite .. and most times.. we would end up getting really frustrated… as if she was testing our patience .. and pushing us to our limit.


She is extremely smart.. and extremely sensible in a lot of things.. but the kid wouldn’t sleep. She is aware of the consequences.. if she doesn’t get enough rest.. and that we would not let her go swimming the next day if she doesn’t get enough rest .. yet she refuses to sleep at a reasonable time.


We are not even asking the brat to sleep at 7.30pm.. like the neighbour’s kids .. nor at 8.30pm.. or even 9.30pm since we only get home at 9.30pm most days. 10.30pm is reasonable.. it gives us enough time.. to read to her.. watch a little show with her.. and then she that we can get some housework done .. or cook for her lunch for the next day – since she is such a fussy eater. But nope.. the kid wouldn’t sleep.


So at 11.30pm .. i’ll be looking like that.. yes.. i kid you not. But nevermind.. i tell myself.. we asked her to go pee again.. and give her more water.. and carry her from the bathroom to the tv room again.. and cajole her to bed again … but nope.. the kid wouldn’t sleep.


So by 12.30am.. she thinks she is cute.. we think she is not.. and ready to blow up.. and ready to start screaming at her.. but hate to do it.. because that is not good parenting right..?? so we reason with her.. and tell her that we are not letting Kate come babysit her the next day.. and all hell breaks lose because she starts wailing her lungs out. So i put on my sweater.. and tell her.. i’m leaving .. and more wailing.. and then she promises to sleep.. and she cleans up her tears.. and talk a little more.. and wants more hugs and kisses.. and then she falls asleep at 1.45am. So yes.. as much as we loved the brat .. with all our heart and ever breathe we take.. the kid wouldn’t sleep. Pray tell what can we do… and if you think we haven’t tried everything.. than you are wrong.. we’ve been trying for 5.5yrs.. and she just wouldn’t sleep at nite.. when we are around.

Discovery Center – Halifax


So we headed to the discovery center in Halifax on Barrington Street, the second day in the city. It wasn’t hard to locate the place.. but parking sure suxs..! and darn expensive..!!!! But we’ve heard so many good things .. about the Discovery Center.. so how can we deprived our brat of it right..?? it is a non – profit organization.. so yes.. even though it was ex.. it was alright lah. Cannot right.. be so stingy.. 🙂 Plus it’s not like one needs to have mesothelioma before you can afford to go there.


Chloe trying out a baby dino nest?


The magic box .. for those who had been wondering how your favorite magician does it.


Chloe took a little coaxing before she would go in to the magic box.


A mini model of the McKay/Macdonald bridge and Chloe going up on it.. to see how it feels up on the bridge that she had traveled on in a car many times.


Magic balls that float by itself.


Here’s Chloe testing them out herself.


A Plasma Ball


Chloe loves this – wished we had a sandbox for her… when she was younger but we spend so much time in the store.. so we didn’t bother.


Blowing big bubbles here – we had a good time and we bought some glowing stars as well as some rocks that Chloe wanted which was a buck each but like i said before, it is a non profit organization, so we don’t mind paying for it.

Staying @ Uncle Budd’s


We stayed at Uncle Budd’s for the first nite .. when we were on our vacation. As usual Uncle Budd was very nice and we even met his friend .. and am very happy for him. This trip Chloe just took to Uncle Budd and his friend immediately – unlike the last time we were there, she woke up at 4am.. and wanted to go home.. and crying and whining and the works. As you can see, she was showing Uncle Budd how to work her DS. We didn’t stay for another nite because we wanted to be able to get a better night sleep with internet access and we had promised Chloe a hotel stay for her vacation. But it was definitely a nice visit.. and staying at Uncle Budd’s saved us a lot of money .. because that weekend was when Sir Paul McCartney was playing in Halifax’s commons.

Back From Vacation


So we are back from our vacation, a short one .. but that was all the time we could afford. We didn’t go very far.. but we did a lot .. more than we had for the last 5 yrs. With your own businesses and a child.. and years of ex-employees that had the “me first” attitude.. there was just no way to go anywheres. This year, we had Katelynn who double up as a part time employee at the store.. and looked after the store.. while we were gone. Yes, she followed instructions to the tee .. and we had no problems with her manning the store.. for she is trustworthy. On top of it.. we had our good friend, Gary come see look.. and help Kate when it was busy – during the days we were gone. Grateful for good friends.. and finally a good employee – we are going for another short break in August before the summer ends. So while PB bought some golf training aids for himself, he bought me this handmade necklace. Love it..!! and he insisted on paying for it.. so i’m happy.

Wild Life Park


Our next stop was the wild life park – at Upper Clements about another 30mins from Digby. But I have to tell you .. it is a very small park and we took only an hour – walking really slowly and we got thru’ the entire park. There was a lot to see .. for Chloe.. but for me.. it was so-so… afterall, i had been to so many already from different places.


The trail begins here.. the walk was definitely good for me.. but after the walk around the wildlife park.. my tummy hurt in the evening. Hahahha!!! But i know it will get better as the days goes by.


They do have signs up.. but the only thing the irks me a lot is there is no safe station where there should be ppl to help in case of an injury or someone fainted. You all know how huge some of our Canadians are here eh.


A very calm eagle as you can see here. It did not move nor fly anywheres.. but can’t blame it eh.. no space to fly.. the cage was really small.


A closer look at the eagle – A bald eagle – anything but bald as you can see .. muahahhaha!!


Vacation – First Stop – Digby


We started our vacation with very good weather.. and we woke up early enough.. and headed out before noon. Our first stop was Digby – a town 45 mins away from us.. and it is a very beautiful place as you can see. The ocean, boats and whale watching and many eateries for seafood – known for its famous scallops. No we didn’t have scallops.. but food was good.. and the portion were huge. It was a really good start albeit the fact that PB had a bad tummy last nite.. and this morning.. when we started off.


After lunch, we took a short walk around town.. and had some ice cream.. before we headed to our next stop.. the zoo..!!! I had rum and raisin ice cream.. the first.. after so many years. And no they donch have rum and raisins here.