JOY! No Babysitter Again !

As much as we love our babysitter that had been with us for 4.5 yrs.. it can be really disrupting when you are expecting her.. and her mother calls 40mins before she is due to show up. The brat had been waiting for her the whole day.. to show her stuff that she learned in school and her new books, so she was disappointed. And my hope to get some work done when the sitter came.. at 3.30pm is now no longer possible.

As a working parent, we have a very tight schedule.. and if the sitter isn’t around, one of us gotta stop doing stuff.. and be with her. And when I go home with her.. i cook and feed her dinner.. and then get the bath ready .. so that PB can come home and bathe her. And nope.. we stay with her.. chat with her.. read to her.. and you know do stuff and pretty can’t do anything else. As I’m writing right now, PB had taken her out for a walk, which we promised when the sitter arrived.

Plus when the sitter is around, we try to go run some errands, but like today, we have to shelf that too. So yes.. !! it is darn disrupting.. but what can you do right..?? she fell down the stairs ..and hurt herself. How the sitter manages to get into these accidents .. well.. lets say.. your guess is as good as mine..* roll eyes* .. Poor kid..!! but still darn disrupting lor..!!! so yes.. i’m just glad Chloe is old enough for summer camp at the YMCA this summer.. that way, we don’t have to worry if the sitter cannot come, at least the brat gets to do something and at this age, they have to do stuff, plus we really do not encourage watching so much tv.

PS : And PB can’t sneak home to take a shower now because we had to cook for Chloe this morning.

Hypertension/High Blood Pressure

For those who are not aware of this.. yes.. ! i’m diagnosed as having Hypertension. In another words, high blood pressure lah. And i blamed it on the lack of the kind of food i cannot get here. Back home, i cannot remember eating so much instant noodles.. nor burgers .. but here in Canada.. you kinda wanna eat really fast.. and get it over with. Nope .. i don’t need a lawyer like those who has Mesothelioma of course.. but having said that .. i just want everyone to know.. that migrating is not as fun as everyone thinks. Not only the food is different.. i haven’t ate steam fish for years now – because i cannot find “ang kor li” here.. only fish i can find here are salmons .. and cod fish .. and they are mighty expensive here.. the fresh ones.

Get The Hint ?!?

PB is very witty .. ! that was one of the reason why I fell in love with him and came all the way from Asia. An example of his wittiness below :

Me : blah … blah.. blah.. blah blah.. Green shopping ! Get the hint..!!!
PB : Nope!! it’s against my religion.
Me : “roll eyes” and then smack him on the arm.

See lah..!! can die or not..!!

Sassy Chloe


Yes..! the brat can get sassy if she wants and I’m sure every parent can attest to the same situation .. and what do parents do .. when your kid gets sassy..?? Well, we were grocery shopping when she insisted on carry a bag of groceries .. and not even to the door she said .. it was too heavy.. and it was gonna break her arms. So we said to the brat.. that if she wanted to eat.. then she would have to help carry no..?? Her reply..??? “FINE! I’ll carry it.. and have a broken arm.. when i get home!” *slap forehead* See lah..!!! sassy or not..?? I can find appetite suppressants but why don’t someone make medication such as sassyness suppressants..???

It’s Gotta Be The Water

On Saturday.. when i woke up .. i received a comment on chloe’s blog saying that the babysitter’s niece who was in Chloe’s blog .. that she was a “HAPPY” kid. I asked the sitter if she knew .. that person.. and apparently it was the sitter’s brother’s woman. I didn’t really think much about it.. and wrote on chloe’s blog. .that it was funny that an adult of 20yrs old.. would fight with a 5.5yrs old kid blog and what was written on it. I should give her a cash drawer to put all her grievances in .. like i give chloe a dream box .. to put her bad dreams in. Muahahhahaha!!!! childish..!!

Please bear in mind that Chloe’s blog is about her friends. .and her growth.. and not to be used to put anyone down. If i wanted to do that.. i would do it in my other blogs. Anyhow, to cut the story shout .. the sitter’s brother demanded that i take the picture down .. and what i wrote about his woman. *roll eyes* and at this point.. i was really tickled by all the commotion. Of course, a simple, “please can you take it down just for me.. so that my woman wouldn’t go crazy” would have been enough.. but nope.. he told me to “F*** OFF!” . Such a nice young man – father, son and b/f and brother. If he could say that to me.. over the phone, you can imagine .. what kind of fine character this person is.

He hung up on me. .and insisted that I called his woman a bad mother .. because I had wrote that the poor kid was in the playpen looking sad. OH MY GOD..!!! any kid in the playpen would look pathetic.. if they were there for a long time..!!!!! and if she wasn’t a bad mother.. why get so worked up.. for nothing..?? You can call me a bad mother for all you want.. just look at my kid.. and you will know.. what kinda mother I am. Likewise, when anyone look at her kid.. well.. they are entitled to think whatever they want. If i thought she was a bad mother.. i would have instigated her b/f’s parents to kick her fat butt out.. and fight for the custody of the kid. If i thought that she was a bad mother.. I would have reported her to the necessary department. *shrug* but after all the above.. i am so glad.. we saw their true colors.. !!!!! can you imagine.. letting my chloe grow up with ppl like that.. ???? parents who uses vulgar languages so freely..??

Thank God..!! we never have to talk to them ever again. .or have anything to do with them .. ever again. My kid is never going anywhere near them, we don’t want to be associated to such character, would you..?? We are not that “type” of parents, plus we all know where this relationship will end up. The kid was only 17 or 18 yrs old when she got pregnant – that must say a lot for this person, don’t you think. The sitter’s brother used to be such a nice kid.. but after his association with “some” ppl.. he took a 360 degree change – which in my humble opinion is the saddest thing in any parents life. 5 yrs from today.. I’m gonna revisit this post.. and i’ll let you know.. where they are all at. I am not always right.. but i’m seldom wrong .. and from what i’m seeing.. it’s just not good. Having said all that, they are definitely outta our system.. and our lives – good riddance of bad rubbish.


And yes.. this is what i think of him.. so if i say butthead.. you all know who i am talking about lah.. !! and by the way, if i had thought she was a bad mother, i would have told her that the chinese tattoo she had after her daughter’s name.. was tattooed wrongly and it meant B.I.T.C.H. and not what she think it meant. I could be mean too .. but why should i.. right..?? afterall, it is her child and not mine.. she would be ill treating – if she was. *shrug*

First Swim


As parents we want to give the best to our kids, not only in material things.. but in health and socially. And holding her back in her swimming lessons.. and others.. was the hardest we had to make.. but we know that we want what is best for her. Chloe is so excited about her swim.. she was trying out her swimming cap with Keegan her babysitter. We did luck in on Keegan.. because she does a lot of things with Chloe.. but after 4.5 yrs.. in a small town .. there really isn’t much they can do.. especially if the weather is bad.


Chloe went for her first swim today.. and she loved it.. can’t wait till next week to go again – she said. I loved that she is so adorable..and yet knows that mama is upset with some peanut brains of this town. Yes.. ! that one.. i’m sure you all know who i’m talking about. But luckily, I have Chloe and supportive family and friends.. and all my blogging friends and fan.

Library Time


We don’t get to do a lot of things with Chloe.. but as the weather gets warmer.. and if it is the weekend.. PB and I try to do stuff with her.. like the library or going for walks.. or visiting friends.. and of course.. the playground. Yes, we don’t just push everything to Keegan to do.. we do stuff with Chloe too.. because she would rather do stuff with us.


So off to the library we went this weekend.. but we weren’t there for long since we had to go swimming later. Chloe loves to draw and color .. as soon as we got into the library .. she sat and colored. The next time.. i’ll bring my lappie with me.


Chloe telling me.. i have to be quiet… muahahahhaa!! who’s the mother eh..??

Swimming Time


We never let Chloe go swimming till this year because we felt that she was too young.. before now. She had a swimming costume before from her grammie.. but it is too small now.. so we had to get her a new one. She chose the pink one of course..!!! and cannot wait to try it out.. show off. She was so hyped up about going swimming the next day.. it was cute..! Did she have fun..??? check out the next post eh.


What a cutie pie right..??

Get Them Involved


Yes..!! i try to get Chloe involved in whatever I am doing. Rather than to have her watch tv.. while i was doing my dishes.. i asked her to help me mop the floor. You and I know.. she wouldn’t be doing a “clean” job.. but what does it matter.. if she was happy to help.. and i made her feel important.. that she helped mummy. I think by teaching her all these good values.. can only make her a better person.. and by doing these.. she will start young and learn that the house needs to be kept clean.. and that not only mummy and daddy must do housework, so does she.. and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. So while i do the dishes after dinner.. Chloe helped me clean the floor. Cute or not..??

Building Confidence


Building confidence in your child is very important and we never over indulge Chloe. She won’t eat the piece of chocolate if we said no.. but she would whine. And she wants to be Hannah Montana.. but we tell her .. she is just as good if not better than Hannah Montana. But we will still give her fake hair to put on .. to be Hannah Montana. We don’t believe in buying lots of materialistic stuff for her. .and then leave her to play on her own. That’s the reason why .. we hired Keegan to help with playing with Chloe. If i’m ever on the computer.. someone is there to play with her.. be it PB, Keegan, Gary or her Grammie. Chloe is never left on her own – being a mother is darn easy… but being a good mother.. now that’s the tough one. And my only wish is to be a good mother.. and that Chloe not only grow up healthy.. but confident.. and a good and useful person to the society. Isn’t that what all good mothers want..?