We Can Have A Walk-A-Thon Too

For those who knows me, you will know that I’m into the giving back to society thing. So any fund raising by Chloe’s school or the town, I would not hesitate to get involved. But each time, when we raise fund for anyone or anything, we send Chloe out on a mission, so she is kinda an expert where the raising fund department is concerned.

Tonite, after bathing chloe, she wanted to know what was written on her undergarments and I told her it said “Saturday”. Chloe asked when is Saturday .. and if today was Saturday .. i said no. I said tomorrow is friday and then Saturday is the next day.

So she wanted to know if Saturday was the day that we didn’t have to go to the store..?? i said no.. only Sundays we don’t have to open the store. In which she replied.. isn’t it nice .. if we didn’t have to go to the store on Saturday.. then we can rest the whole day at home. In which i replied.. no .. then we would have no money to buy things.

In which .. Chloe replied.. “that’s alright.. we can do a walk-a-thon” … !!! oh my..!! i burst out laughing..!!! and PB came home from work.

I told PB what Chloe said.. in which .. PB told Chloe that ppl donch just give money to ppl who don’t wanna work, that is call going on welfare.. and we ain’t doing the welfare thing!! muahahahahha!!! And if Chloe’s new teacher from her new school is gonna to remotely suggest that my chloe is not up to par.. i’m gonna be smacking someone’s head so quick.. they won’t even see it coming.

Babysitter & Court

The babysitter had a court date that requires me to be a witness. Long story short.. it’s because of her ex-b/f and the ex-b/f’s new g/f. Apparently, this had been going on since they broke up. It was a case of you said what and she said that .. that ultimately led to me believing that the threatening phone call at the store for her.. was from the new g/f.

Like any adult and a sensible one, you want to stop the whole thing/foolishness because it was plain foolishness. But nope the ex-b/f’s mother and buddy and the new g/f donch wanna let it go. So they hurled each other to court. Obviously, we want to side with the babysitter since we’ve known her for 4.5yrs. So i lugged chloe along to court.. and had to close the store for abit .. so that PB can send me to court .. to be the witness of everything.

Whole day wasted .. that’s alright by me.. but the next day.. when i asked the babysitter to cancel her guitar class to let me finish up my work that i didn’t do because i had to go to court.. well, lets just say she didn’t. So i rushed home .. took care of chloe first of course.. and waited till almost midnite.. before i started working on my online assignments.

I wasn’t mad.. but very disappointed lor. oh well.. kids. I have to remember have the tidak apa attitude from now on. I told PB to smack me hard on the head.. the next time.. i try to do good for anyone and yes i was late for my assignments and i’m never late. So the advertiser had flagged me and won’t be giving me so much assignments no more.

Easter Monday

Easter Monday .. but we had to open the store.. just because we feel obligated to some of the customers.. who wants to spend their Easter money. Chloe went to the movies with her best friend .. Dominic .. and the babysitter. They had wanted to go on Sunday.. but the timing wasn’t right.. so we decided on Monday instead. But according to the sitter – keegan.. Chloe was bored after half the movie .. and wanted to chat. I hope to bring her more to the movies during the summer, that way she is all ready for school this fall when they bring her for excursions.

What A Week!

My babysitter is sick again..!!! in between her technical and vocational schools guide for her university application .. and a court case.. with regards to her ex-b/f .. i think she must have had been stressed out again. But having said that.. all our plans went topsy turvy.. and plus we had to deal with some stupid “ang moh” customer .. who thinks that they can scam us. Long story.. but what a tiring week.

Playing Waitress


Sometimes, when chloe is at the store.. and she is bored.. she likes to play waitress. She would come up to us.. and ask us.. “Can i take your order?” just like Ratatouille. But since the stove and her kitchenette is at home, she doesn’t have much food to offer us. She is an awesome kid – so cheeky and so fun.

Weekend RockStar


On Sundays, when i need to do housework, PB would try and distract chloe by getting her to play rockband with him. And yes, she is very into it.. and makes all the right moves.. and keeps saying.. “it’s awesome, dad..!!!” This brat of mine .. is definitely a drama -queen.

Easter Dress


We bought Chloe her Easter dress.. and told her it was from her Grampie, so that she can associate the dress with her Grampie..?? But it was a good buy .. since it was at $10 off. She loves the dress.. and had been wearing it for quite a bit. I’ll post the Easter dress that Easter bunny got for her after Easter.


Snow End Of March 2009

I had PB’s tuxedo out for the hospital gala’s – a huge event here in our small town. As small business owners… and just about anyone living here, we feel that it is very important.. that we are involved in charitable work. But at the end of March.. yesterday ..we had snow on the ground.. !!!!!! *slap forehead* .. ! when is the warm coming..?? I promised myself to write this down.. so i know.. and wouldn’t hope too much for the sun.. and warm next year. The weather is crazy here.. one day warm.. and one day snow.. or raining. Suxs big time..!

The Things She Remembers


We were watching a movie – Twilight to be exact the other day .. while putting her to bed and guess what she popped up and said?? “Isn’t that Keegan’s favorite movie..?? Isn’t Edward cute..???” *slap forhead* .. see lah.. that girl.. where she learned all that from..?? So i asked her.. how did she know… in which she promptly replied .. “Well.. Keegan told me so.” muahahahahha!!! I think i should teach her about insurance lead generation and see if she understands it or not..?? mini-genius here.. hahahha!!

BatGal Chloe


As you all know, we bring Chloe with us to work since the day she was born. Well, not exactly.. when she was old enough.. maybe 8 months or so. But you get the idea right..?? and we have to think of things to keep her busy.. before the babysitter comes in the afternoon after school. So on this day, she wants to be Batman and I tell you . .the girl has got demands…hhaha!! she wants a cape as well.. and the mask that she did with PB .. wasn’t enough. So the cape it was.. with a garbage bag .. to make do.. but she loved it.


Here she is happy .. that Papa played with her.. and helped her make her mask as well as her cape. And Papa played with her. .because Mama was busy looking for movies for her fans.


But wait..!! Batgal needs whiskers too.. so since Papa was busy with a customer.. and we have no crayon for the face.. she made her own whiskers.. and stuck them onto her face with some stickers.. muahahhaha!! very innovative .. and awfully creative. She was very proud of her batgal suit.. she wants to wear this for Halloween.. hahaha!!