Pretty Cool Kid – Most Times


Chloe is a pretty cool and awesome kid .. 99.9% of the time. You can bring her just about anywheres.. and she will behave herself. From restaurants to movies or even on vacation , anyone who sees her.. would think what an awesome kid. She even helps do laundry.. without being asked to. She just loves doing things with us.. and sharing her stuff with us.


She is very meticulous about her chores too.. as you can see here.. but the 0.01% .. that drives us nuts .. is her sleeping habits. The kid doesn’t wanna sleep!!! and it’s not only happening now.. it started when she was born. This days.. it’s even worst.. she comes into our room in the middle of the nite.. and insist on sleeping on our bed. I really don’t mind it so much.. if she would not push me outta bed.. or kick us all the time.. or keep waking us up .. everytime we snore.


We love our brat.. but man..!! we need some sleep eh. At 11pm most times.. and latest midnite.. she can still be asking for book reading or a snack.. just to try not to sleep .. *slap forehead*. The JOYS of parenthood. Last nite the same thing happened.. and at 5.45am.. i was truly screaming .. and asking her to go to bed.. because she was talking non-stop..!!! aiyoyo..!!!

Crazy Days

Spring break is half way thru’ and it had been crazy at the store. We have been having great weather of late.. and had expected everyone to go out .. and get some fresh air .. and do some outdoors stuff. But nope.. apparently, no one wants to go out .. !!!! we need to get our hands on some barcode scanner to make it easier for everyone at the store.. in case it is this busy in the summer. Come summer. .we want to go away for a short vacation. It would really ease our mind.. knowing that everything is in order.

Parenting 101

It’s amusing when you see how some parents “teaches” their kids. Say for example, your kid was doing something you deem “illegal” .. like say.. buying a lighter. Would you storm into someone’s business and tell them off..?? or would you sit your kid down.. and talk sensibly to the kid..??? Good parenting is doing the common sense thing, if you cannot control your kid, what gives you the right to control someone’s business. Illegal or not.. you talk to your kid.. and not the person who owns the business .. and making a living on it. *shake head*

Spring Break

Spring break is here.. and that means no school for the brat for a week. Not a bad thing in my opinion.. for i do love having her around us all the time. Of course, the only reason for sending her to school is to educate and prepare her for school in the fall. Keegan had started to bring her to the library everyday.. and she just loves it.. and had been borrowing books. Next week, we hope to start her on her dancing classes.. and also go for a swim at YMCA. Yes.. lots of plans.. hopefully we will be able to do some stuff.. instead of her hanging around the store the whole time. Weight loss products are great. but with such a busy schedule.. my g/fs asked why i need it… hahahahah!!!


Poor Chloe .. woke up at 1.40am with the same kinda nightmares again..! this time.. it wasn’t so long the crying.. but PB carried her and walked her around.. the whole time. She then want to stay in the tv room PB gotta sleep on the couch with her. Bummer..!

Summer Project

I wrote about some awesome “xiao” neighbours i have right..?? just a few weeks ago.. who rode on his lawn mower .. at midnite..?? Yes.. !! that ultra “xiao” one.. who cannot seems to get enough of mowing their lawn .. during the summer. .and now winter. So this year’s summer project.. we hope to get some fence installation done. In fact, we had wanted to do it .. a few years ago.. but decided not to.. because we didn’t wanna appear to be hostile. But seeing that they are getting more and more “xiao” every year.. i think we have to protect ourselves.. and our property.. plus our privacy. Wish us luck!!

Be Careful What You Wished For

With Chloe being so sick for so long, I had wished that I was the one sick instead of her. And guess what..?? after 8 months of having my hysterectomy done.. and an emergency laporoscopic surgery due to bowel obstruction (so they said) .. i started spotting today. Of course, that freaked me right out.. afterall, where is the blood coming from right..?? Of course, i went into a paranoia mode.. which is understandable. So be careful what you wished for eh. I will update all about my situation .. in the meantime, i am just taking it easy. And yes, i have an appt .. to see my “new” gynae .. on the 17th Mar.

Still On The Floor

Yes.. 4 nites in a row.. and i’m still on the floor. But last nite.. was the last..!!!! my back screams for help..!!!!!! Yes.. ! each nite.. she would wake up at 3.48am.. and give me all sorts of excuses. The first nite.. i can understand.. because she was all stuffed up.. but last nite.. was pure silliness. I really donch mind sleeping on the floor.. if it wasn’t so cool.. and drafty on the floor.. or if it wasn’t so hard on my back. Nope.. i donch have a single mattress to lay down.. therefore.. it’s hard. We’ll see what happens tonite.

Sniffles & Fever

Chloe just can’t seems to shake off that fever and sniffles. She came home from Ciarra’s birthday.. and started having the sniffles.. that developed into a low grade fever overnite. Stayed up half the nite.. because she couldn’t breathe properly .. thus disturbing her sleep.. and couldn’t get up on time.. to go to school. We gave her some medication.. stayed at home.. for half a day .. and went to the store for just a bit. Poor gal..!!