Sick Again

Chloe was sick again .. yesterday.. ! fever up to 103 degree and going up every hour. So i was in a frenzy to get her to take her medication .. which she refused. I got PB to make an urgent appt to see her family doctor.. and luckily .. he would take her in. A quick rush to the hospital.. and by the time we were done it was 5pm.

Rushed home.. gave her the medication with lots of persuasion, which normally never even need any coaxing. She slept the whole day.. and refuses to eat at all. So 2 days without food.. this morning.. her fever gone.. and luckily ate a wee bit.. and came to work with us.. in the afternoon. Thank God for babysitters too..!!

Stepping Up

I’ll have to say.. that after almost 9 yrs together physically and another 6 online had made PB pretty smart .. where our relationship is concerned. Firstly, the man is able to set his priority straight and put me and Chloe first before the business. How do I know..??

The day before, after cooping in the house for a few days with Chloe being sick and all, she acted up. Firstly, because we didn’t have a sitter for almost a week too, she was sick and secondly Chloe wasn’t have the greatest week either. She was sick with a fever, hacking cough and then she lost her caps a few days ago. And when she didn’t wanna come out from the toilet because she thinks she needed to poop after 40 mins, PB came right home. Yesterday, he went to work late, because Chloe didn’t get up and we wanted to let her sleep as much as she can and then she acted up again. The man had to close the store and come right home again to help with the brat.

Yes, had the man not done that.. i think he would be hearing no end of it.. plus i might had pack and left because it was Chinese New Year, i missed home and the food, friends and family. So yes, the man knew .. i was on thin ice and pretty much gonna snap anytime soon. Smart man ..?? yes very..!

What Kinda Mountain Goat Are You..??


Chloe is finally well enough to go to school .. but it had been snowing overnite.. and the day before .. so we had quite a bit of snow.. where her school is. But being a kid and all .. she wanted to walk down that little slope.. instead of going to the pavement.. and who am i to deprive her of it right.. ?? afterall, she is the kid.. who insisted that ipods was the next thing we had to get for her. Anyways, of course i didn’t wanna slip and fall on my butt .. like i did a few years ago, during Boxing day in Hectanooga, so i held onto PB’s hand .. and he helped me. He then asked me.. ” what kinda mountain goat are you..??” in which i promptly replied.. ” a city one!” muahahahahha!!!

What A Chinese New Year !

Yes..! what a Chinese New Year..! i thought i was gonna be sick as a dog .. since i didn’t feel so hot just before Chinese New Year.. but instead.. the brat got sicker (if there is such a word) than myself. Poor kid couldn’t eat.. fever .. and hacking away.. and then lost one of her caps (she had caps done last year for some of her teeth) .. and poor chloe said to us last nite .. after whining about her lost caps .. that she wasn’t having a good day yesterday.. in which PB replied.. ” i think it is more like the week .. dear”… muhahahaha!!!

Our babysitter was even sicker before Chloe and I got sick.. so i donch know if we passed it to her.. or the other way around. So no babysitter.. sick kid.. store to run.. and of course obligation to my movie fans.. luckily i donch need any acne treatment yet. My consolation..?? PB did everything right.. from going into the store later.. and closing early .. to help me with Chloe and putting us first. I guess after years of being together..and having a kid together.. he smarten up .. FINALLY..!! MUHAHAHAHAHAH!!! ya.. ya.. I’M EVIL..!! never said i wasn’t eh.. 😉

Pink Head


Keegan our babysitter turned into a pink head a few days ago, she had gone to “evil” S*** to get her hair done. Remember the gal who was working for us some few years ago, and quit. The one who showed her bum on the WWW, anyway .. i digress.

The first time Keegan came back with her new hair colors it was disastrous.. we could see that Keegan was almost in tears. Yah.. she did look pretty dull with the first hair color, then she went back.. and got this color done.. when she was still on recovery from her flu last week. This does look a lot better than the first time she came back with the other hair color.. but still not as desirable as the old stylist she used.. Corey .. i think her name is. But young girl .. like Keegan, they dare to try everything.. which is good lah. I just applaud her for being so brave to use “evil” S*** because she is pretty new with the hair thingie. And by this town standard, she charged exorbitant price ..!!! ouch!!

PS : A picture of evil S***, popped up on the computer today.. and I asked Chloe if she remembered who she was.. she said yes.. but why did she turn evil chloe asked. In which I replied, she was evil all along.. but we just didn’t know before. We’ve made such bad choices with our ex-employees.. and vowed never to hire again .. after evil gal left and truth be told.. we never felt so blissful.

Are You Paying Attention To Me Mom..??

Last nite while trying to put the brat to bed… Chloe said she wanted to do a puzzle. It was late .. i was tired.. and hungry.. and trying to chomp my food down.. and didn’t wanna fight with her.. so i said.. yes. So off she sprinted away to the computer room where PB was.. and looked for her puzzle to fix it onto the fridge. She came back after abit.. it was closed to 10.30pm. . and turned around and asked me.. “Mom, were you paying attention to me… when i asked you about the puzzle..??” in which i was shocked. .and i said “yes.. ! what do you mean??” in which she replied.. “well you always just say .. uh-huh, without really paying attention to me” *Slap forehead* See they know..what you are doing.. donch you think they donch know.. ! note to self : better give undivided attention to your brat.

Slaver Driver We Are


Yes, we make the brat clean after herself most times. .and she does it willingly. She loves to think that she is helping and doing something the adults do too.


She does a good job too ..! and she is really earnest about it.


Mommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…!!! Phil is ANNOYING me..!!!!

Yes.. !! she knows her big words.. when she wants too.. but yet.. she is not up to par..??!!!?? *roll eyes*

Learning The Fun Way


Chloe comes home with work sheets. .and songs she had learned in pre-school, this is one of her craft work she did at the pre-school. Unlike her other school, she really seems to enjoy it.. because she said .. it was so much more fun. So yes, learning the fun way should be the way to go .. in the very first place.

Please note that i’m writing my experience here .. so that you won’t make the same mistake we did with Chloe. We were very brave to had thrown her into school.. without giving her anything to bring along in terms of preparation and knowledge beyond the everyday stuff. She must really enjoy school now, since she puked this morning. .and still wanted to go to school. It is also a nice change to see .. both teachers eagerly greeting us first thing in the morning.. whereby .. it wasn’t the same in chloe’s old school. A talk with one of our customer tonight .. may see Chloe attending not her old school but another — but we’ll see.