Gem Of Life Episode 11 & Doctor’s Appt

Gem Of Life Episode 11 is ready to watch on my entertainment blog. It was ready to watch about 2hrs ago.. but i had to rush to pick chloe up first.. and then went for a doctor’s appt with Dr Murphy’s. Check up my report on my health blog if you are interested. So if you are dying to watch.. Gem of Life Episode 11 .. just hop over to my entertainment blog.

When Easterly Showers Fall On The Sunny West Episode 6

When Easterly Showers Fall On The Sunny West Episode 6 is ready to watch on my entertainment blog now. Enjoy..!! and donch forget to come back for Gem Of Life Episode 11 as well. I’m getting so excited. Oh .. i have a cooking show to show you.

VERY IMPORTANT TO NOTE : These links are provided and hosted from a third party server. Please be aware that i found this using a search functionality, helping you discover publicly available websites and their content. I do not host the movie nor is responsible for the content.

Gem Of Life Episode 11 Previews

Gem of Life Episode 11 – 15 is up for preview and can be watched on my pop up tv , of course you have to go to my entertainment blog lah. Seriously, this show is quite twisted..!! i’m getting really so excited.. and full of anxiety .. as to find out .. what is going on next. I am sure.. you are feeling the same way too eh. Well.. have fun.. and keep coming back to check out what i have next in store on my entertainment blog : Oh btw.. i also have Bangkok Dangerous – Nicolas Cage and Charlie Yeung filmed in Bangkok, Thailand. Pretty good movie. Head over ya…! enjoy..!!

When Easterly Showers Fall On Sunny West Episode 5

When Easterly Showers Fall On Sunny West Episode 5 can be watched on my entertainment blog : and after watching the episode.. i cannot help but feel how stone – hearted Liza’s character in this movie. Plus hor.. she did get pregnant and had a illegitimate son.. when she was very young in this show.. yet she can criticized Charmaine.. for being poor. Wah Lau..!! glad i’m not living back in those old days.. else I definitely would not survived. Guess if i was a man back then.. all i need to get job is to take 1 androsterone to build my muscles up.. to protect those rich man and family eh.

Gem Of Life Episode 10 & Happy Halloween To Everyone


Gem of Life Episode 10 is ready to be watched on my entertainment blog soon. But if you want the link to download it yourself, i do have it on my entertainment blog too..! Enjoy..!! and happy halloween to everyone..!! I hope you all have a great time today .. and collect loads of treats.

PS: This was taken this morning.. Chloe getting ready for school as a Disney princess.

Reverse Phone Canada

If you are in the business of renting movies like we are and customers rip you off left, right and center by giving you a phone number that either gets disconnected the following week or shut off because they move away, then reverse phone canada can be a great help. They not only look up for the information you need to locate people who were dishonest, they can generate new information on the old number anywhere in Canada. Just type in the number and hit enter, it’s very easy to use and easy to understand.

Meeting With Chloe’s Teachers

I know you are all probably anxious to hear how the meeting went right..?? Well, here it is .. the feedbacks we received during the meeting with the school speech therapist, her form teacher and Resource, Reading Recovery teacher. Firstly, I have to tell you.. there were nothing they said .. that we did not already know about Chloe. Secondly, it is not that Chloe is slow .. that she is not doing certain things at this point of her life… moreso, because we didn’t teach her certain things. Thirdly, although we do agree with most of the things her teacher said to us today.. there are some stuff, we feel that they may be expecting too much from a kid who is barely 5 yrs old, youngest in her class, haven’t been to pre-school .. and have slacker parents like us.

There are always things that a child can do better and excel of course but to compare chloe with other kids not quite her age and in a different environment.. than i think it is not quite right. Take for example a kid who is 2 months older than chloe ..and has siblings like 4 or 5. Her parents are always at work, she is left at daycare most days. Firstly, this kid is gonna to be a lot more independent and quicker with eating .. and is probably taught about not having to do anything with strangers or anyone remotely not familiar. On the other hand, Chloe is sheltered .. always at work with us.. or have Keegan to look after .. and only child. Never have to fight for her food, tv or games… or anything else. So there is a difference! on the same note, the teacher should factor in all these into consideration .. with the example that i had given. I shall elaborate more on it .. in another post.

Nikon Binoculars Promotion

Deer hunting is one of the most popular outdoor sports for the men around here. If you are an outdoorsman or have a loved one who is into outdoor sports, be it hunting or even bird watching, then you can’t afford to miss out on the current Nikon ATB Promotion.

Nikon is giving away Gift cards for Nikon Pro Gear. You can get some really cool stuff while you are buying the Monarch ATB binoculars. You get a $50 gift card when you buy Monarch ATB binoculars, whether it’s for yourself or as a gift. Additionally, a $25 gift card is yours when you buy a Trailblazer ATB, an Action Extreme ATB or a ProStaff binocular. This promotion is on until December 31, 2008 and you can use the gift card to redeem for quality wears or accessories.

Prom For Kate


Being a kid in Asia is not easy.. because of how competitive everything is. But being a kid in Canada.. well.. it’s not easy.. on other aspect. Take for example our babysitter .. Keegan, she is shopping for her prom dress now.. and prom is in May 2009. The one she is interested in . .is $500 .. and they are not for rental. By the time the night is over.. she would be at least $1000 poorer. Why..?? well .. first thing first, the dress for $500. She and her friends will be booking a limo.. and then a hotel room.. to store their stuff. Ok.. now the hair.. and then her make up. .and the accessories.. that goes with her dress… and what about her shoes..?? and the many pictures she is gonna take..?? Easily ..$1000 there.. see what i mean.. it’s not easy being a kid here.

When Easterly Showers Fall On Sunny West Episode 4

When Easterly Showers Fall On Sunny West Episode 4, is ready to watch on my entertainment blog right now. And I know many of you are wondering how i do it..?? watch 3 chinese shows a day.. and look after Chloe .. when she comes back from school.. revise with her, her school work.. and play with her.. cook for her.. do the dishes.. and then bathe her.. and then put her to bed.. and then cook for her lunch to bring to school after she sleeps… on top of everything .. help PB at the store… and then gotta do my writing as well.

What’s the secret ..?? everyone asked. So what is my secret..?? Well.. PB does help a lot both at work and at home. I would do the cooking.. but he would be doing the cutting up of the chicken and marinating it. If he cuts.. i washed the cutting boards and stuff.. and when i cook .. i will ask him to wash up the frying pan.. or he can do the packing away the lunch for the next day.

And of course, I am very lucky to have Katelynn who comes in a few days a week.. to help me for a few hours with Chloe.. while i do my work or watch my shows. These days, I know i can count on Kate .. to come in whenever i need her.. so if i have a lot of writing.. to do .. I don’t have to worry about Chloe… and PB does give special attention to Chloe if i am busy. As for watching all my shows..?? I don’t normally get to watch everything at once, I stop when i am busy.. and then continue when i am not.. or wait till chloe goes to bed. So yes.. one can do everything.. but multi tasking .. may not be for everyone. I keep reminding myself.. that I shouldn’t sweat the small stuff.. and break everything up in phases to work on. What’s your secret..??